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5 Simple Steps to Maximize Real Estate Referrals in 2024


Received a referral lately? What's your reward program for the person who sent it? Not about closing deals, but acknowledging referrals. Let me walk you through a five-step plan to revamp your referral program for the new year. You need a systematic approach to increase referrals and business.

Step one: Upon receiving a referral, thank them with a small, personalized gift—$25 to $50. A handwritten note makes it special. Express gratitude and mention you'd love more referrals.

Step two: After the first appointment with the client, reach out to the referrer via call, email, or text. Share your positive experience and appreciation.

Step three: Follow up when the client takes significant steps—listing the house, making an offer. Keep the referrer in the loop, expressing gratitude.

Step four: After closing, send a larger personalized gift, $50 to $100. Show your appreciation for the valuable referrals.

Step five: Do a social media post publicly thanking the referrer....

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Strategies for Expanding Your Real Estate Brokerage to New Markets


Expanding your real estate brokerage to new markets can be a game-changer for your business. It opens up opportunities to tap into untapped customer bases, increase your network, and boost your revenue. However, entering new markets requires careful planning and strategic execution. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies that you can implement to successfully expand your real estate brokerage.


Researching New Markets

Conducting thorough market research is crucial when expanding your real estate brokerage to new markets. By gaining insights into the local market trends, demands, and competition, you can tailor your services and marketing efforts to meet the specific needs of the new market.

Start by analyzing the local real estate market conditions, such as supply and demand, average property prices, and market growth potential. This information will help you determine whether entering a particular market is financially viable and aligns with your business...

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Prospecting Mastery: Boost Your Calls with These Sneaky Tricks! šŸš€šŸ’¬ | Real Estate Lead Generation Hacks!


Hey, team, you're on prospecting calls today—reaching out to expired listings or for sale by owners, maybe marketing in a neighborhood. What if no one picks up? Do you leave a voicemail?

Before that, try this trick:

Hang up and call the same number quickly, twice. Imagine being on the other side—seeing a missed call, then the same number calling back. You're more likely to pick up.

Now, they still don't answer. It goes to voicemail. Should you leave a voicemail as a salesperson? Absolutely. The chances of circling back and calling again are low. Keep the message concise and to the point.

For an expired listing, I might say, "Hey, I'm Jim. Your property delisted today. Wondering if you're interviewing other agents. I have a 25-point marketing plan that works. Just sold a house nearby, 25 days, 5% over list price. Let's talk."

For a for sale by owner, a simple approach: "I'm J Man with ABC Real Estate. Saw your ad on Craigslist. Can I do a video of your property for...

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Master Real Estate Marketing: Buyers and Sellers Crave These 4 Things!


There's a fantastic book I read years ago called "Positioning" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. It delves into the concept that our brains, like a whiteboard, need a space. As marketers, our goal is to occupy that space in the consumer's mind. However, with numerous competitors in the market, the challenge is stiff.

I appreciate the idea that it's not about what we want to say; it's about what consumers want to hear and learn from us. Consider the top four things consumers seek from a realtor: finding the right home, assistance with paperwork (part of negotiation), negotiating price, and negotiating terms.

Reflect on these four aspects—finding the right home, negotiations on price and terms, and paperwork. Are we addressing these in our marketing and branding? Shift from what we want to say to what clients want to learn. This transforms marketing into something people want to pay attention to.

Now, let's consider what sellers want. The top four things a seller desires: an expert in...

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Podcast #59: Building a Team and Scaling Your Business w/ Michael Hellickson

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Real Estate Survival Guide: Thriving Beyond Market Turbulence! šŸ”šŸ’Ŗ | Long-Term Strategies for Success


Hey folks, let's talk about the big picture in real estate—how long are you planning to stay in the game? Is it a year, two, five, ten, or even twenty? Are you testing the waters with just a toe in or is this a full-blown career for you?

Many agents tend to have a myopic view, making crucial career decisions based solely on today's market conditions. Yes, sales volume is currently at a 20-year low, but assessing your entire career based on a single down year is shortsighted.

If you envision being in the business for the next 10 or 20 years, one year of reduced sales shouldn't define your career. Recessions in real estate occur every 10 to 12 years, and what follows is typically a decade-long period of rising prices and increased sales volume. It's a market reset, not the end of the road.

For those considering exiting the industry for a "real job," think about the earnings over the next decade in that new job. If you're fortunate, maybe a...

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Why Building a Personal Brand in Real Estate Can Grow Your Business by 74% in 2024


Hey folks, I came across a fascinating study—it revealed that a whopping 74% of consumers base their business decisions solely on the brand!

Now, let's shift the focus to your personal brand:

Imagine stacking it against the top 10 agents in your community—just you, not who you're working for. How do you measure up? Does your brand stand out, exuding a modern and sharp vibe, or does it seem dated, like a relic from the '90s or early 2000s?

To make a mark, focus on clean, sharp lines. Forget flashy taglines and funky logos. Your brand revolves around a clean picture and a stylized version of your name.

Remember, you're a personal brand in the real estate space, akin to the likes of Michael Jordan or LeBron James. With countless agents in the field, the key is to separate yourself by having a consistent and clean brand integrated throughout your marketing plan.

Everywhere people look—your website, digital footprint, social...

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How to Navigate the Surge of Unrepresented Buyers in Real Estate


We’re facing a dilemma here:

With the impending changes in buyer representation, there's talk about some agents taking zero BAC listings—charging a fee but listing it as zero.

Now, think about it: Buyers looking at these listings may opt to go unrepresented, thinking they can handle it all. So, as a listing agent, taking these listings, the question arises:

What do you do when an unrepresented buyer wants you to facilitate the sale without the BAC?

Considering the surge of unrepresented buyers, it's time to discuss this with sellers. You may still charge your standard listing fee but need to charge a bit more for dealing with an unrepresented buyer.


Because you're essentially doing double the work for potentially half the pay.

You're handling everything from financing and inspections to appraisals and negotiations.

You've got to communicate this to sellers. Due to changes in the market, unrepresented buyers...

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The ā€œSilver Tsunamiā€ Will Unlock a Colossal Opportunity in Real Estateā€¦ Hereā€™s How to Take Advantage of It


Hey everyone, I've got some thrilling news about a game-changing trend in the real estate industry.

Meet the "Silver Tsunami."

Get this: 51% of individuals aged 50 and above are gearing up to downsize. Brace yourselves because this wave kicks off in late 2024, gains momentum in 2025, and is expected to roll in for decades, unleashing an estimated 30 million homes onto the market.

Just to put things in perspective, we currently have around seven to eight hundred thousand homes available.

Now, imagine an additional 30 million hitting the market in the next 10, 15, or 20 years. That's a colossal opportunity!

So, the big question: are you targeting these silver tsunami sellers?

Take me, for instance. I'm 54 and just sold my home—right in the sweet spot. Many individuals like me, empty nesters whose kids have flown the coop, are looking to downsize. This demographic is about to create a flood of opportunities in our market.


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How to ā€œDisarmā€ Investment Property Owners with THIS One Question


Here’s a quick and easy technique when you're talking to investment property owners:

So, you're out there doing lead generation, looking for investment properties like duplexes, triplexes, or RV parks. Often, when you ask owners if they've considered selling, the answer is a flat-out no, right? Happens a lot. But here's the game-changer: ask them why they're holding onto the property.

"Why are you holding onto this property?"

Give them a moment to think, and their response might be about it being a good investment or passing it on to their kids. Respond with understanding, acknowledging the value of holding onto good investments.

Then, drop the bomb: ask if they know their current rate of return.

Offer an income analysis sheet to calculate their cap rate and return on investment.

Now, here's the kicker – if you can beat their current rate of return, would they consider moving their money to something even more profitable?...

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