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95% of REALTORS Make This Referral Mistake—Do You?


Hey guys, did you know that only 5% of REALTORS reach out on the one-year home anniversary after selling someone a house?

Isn’t that crazy? Just 5%! And even fewer do it for the second, third, fourth, or fifth year.

But if you’re one of the 95% who haven’t done this, here’s your opportunity. Go back — not just this year, but 2, 3, 4, or even 5 years — and load up the contacts you’ve forgotten about. Give them a quick call today and say, “Hey, I just wanted to wish you a happy belated one-year (or two, three, five-year) anniversary on your home purchase.”

And by the way, take a couple of minutes to run an updated equity analysis for them. Say, “Here’s how much money you’ve made on your house in the past few years. I’m sending you the report so you can check it out.”

If you start doing this every year with all your past clients, your business will boom. This simple gesture can unlock so much potential....

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Why Insurance Rates Have Skyrocketed (And How To Best Protect Your Homeowners)


Interesting new data shows that 63% of home buyers who purchased a home after the pandemic believe their home will be impacted by climate change at some level. found that statistically, 44.8% of homes actually will be affected.

Regardless of the numbers, it's clear that climate change is on the minds of our clients.

What matters is that your clients believe it, and insurance companies believe it too. Insurance rates have skyrocketed over the last few years due to environmental impacts like floods, hurricanes, and fires. These natural disasters cause insurers to take losses, leading them to ramp up their rates in anticipation of more such events.

As REALTORS, you can serve your clients by addressing this issue. Say to them:

“You probably have seen your insurance rates going up. Part of the reason for that is environmental impacts across the country. I've got a great insurance agent who can shop your rate and find the best deal for you. Also, if you want, I can give...

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Why REALTORS Need to Address Climate Change: 30% of Clients Are Moving!


Here's an interesting question to put out on social media to your audiences:

Would you move from your current market because of climate change?

I've been in the business for 35 years, and we never really talked about climate change as a motivator for people to move. But it's becoming more and more of a reason for people to relocate. In fact, 30% of Americans today, especially young people, say they would move because of climate change or make a decision about where to live based on it.

That’s why this is an interesting question to ask on social media.

Climate change can take many different forms. In my market area, for example, it's fires.

We had a fire come through our neighborhoods that burned down 2,700 homes. It was one of the biggest fires in the nation for destroying homes. Absolutely devastating for our community. We went through several summers of fire, and a lot of people moved because they couldn't deal with the smoke and terrible air quality.

On the flip side, you...

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How to Win a Real Estate Client Back After They Ghost You


In the real estate industry, there are two types of ghosts:

The first occurs when a buyer initiates contact but then disappears. It's common, but we shouldn't ignore it. Instead, we should follow up with these individuals after some time has passed. More often than not, they simply got busy, not because they disliked us or found another agent.

Reaching out with a call, text, or email is essential. We should inquire politely about their home buying progress. Even if they ghost us again, it's not a big deal. Let's not fear this type of ghosting and continue to pursue potential leads.

The second ghosting scenario involves us ghosting others inadvertently. It happens when we forget who certain contacts in our phone are. To address this, we should review our contacts and ask those we're unsure about to remind us of our connection.

By doing so, we might uncover opportunities we would have otherwise missed. Let's stop being ghosts ourselves and maintain connections with our contacts. These...

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This “Experiences” Secret will Boost your Referrals by 24%


Hey guys, want to increase your referrals by 24%?

It's simple, and it comes from the American Marketing Association: When you ask for a referral and attach a reward to it, your referrals increase by 24%.

So, what rewards work best?

Cash, consumables like wine or coffee, right?

But here's the issue with consumables most people overlook:

They're forgotten once consumed.

That’s why I prefer giving experiences…

An experience sticks with you. It's memorable.

For instance, for a couple who refers a great client, I might reward them with a night out at a local restaurant. Personalize it with a note: "Enjoy this meal on me. Thanks for the referral!"

For a golfer, instead of a round of golf, a golf lesson; for a tennis player, a tennis lesson.

Or if they're into concerts, a music ticket; sports, a sporting event ticket.

These experiences are unforgettable. Find what resonates with them personally, and your referral count will skyrocket.

Why do Brokerage Owners, Office...

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How to Make Receiving Referrals as Natural as Breathing (Free Real Estate Referral Scripts)


Hey guys, let's talk about asking for generosity from your clients, specifically in the form of referrals.

I'm going to share two or three strategies that should feel natural to you because referrals are the number one way to generate business.

Remember, when people are going through a transaction, there's a four times greater likelihood they'll refer you because it's a natural part of the conversation.

So here's the deal: you've got to train them, you've got to coach them.

Try this scripting: "Now that you're buying or selling, I'm sure some of your friends are going to be jealous. If you run into somebody who wants to follow your lead, I'd love the opportunity to work with them." Simple, right? It doesn't sound salesy; it sounds natural.

Another approach: "Now that you're selling, I'm sure a few of your friends and family will be jealous. If they want to follow your lead, I'd appreciate your referral. I like working with people like you." It's about leveraging their network in a...

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What Are The Top 3 Reasons Buyers Hire A REALTOR?


Hey everyone, what are the top reasons buyers want to hire REALTORS? What do buyers value most? Well, here are the top three reasons according to an NAR study.

The primary one, unsurprisingly, is assistance in finding the right home. It's consistently at the top.

What might catch you off guard are the next two reasons, both tied to negotiations. Second is aiding buyers in negotiating sale terms, and third is assisting with price negotiations.

Two-thirds of the top reasons revolve around negotiation.

When engaging with buyers initially, agents often overlook discussing negotiation. How can I prompt buyers to choose me, armed with this data? Well, one effective strategy is to showcase successes on social media. For instance, if I help buyers secure $10,000 in closing costs or credits from the seller, why not share that after closing? Highlight the journey—viewing 10 homes, narrowing down to two,...

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Mastering Buyer Representation in a Post-Sitzer/Burnett Landscape: Must-Know Strategies to Win Clients and Close Deals!


Hey everyone, with the recent Sitzer Burnett lawsuit and NAR's loss, even though there are pending appeals, how should we adjust our approach to working with buyers? Waiting for the appeals isn't an option; we need to change right away.

So, what should we change? We must revamp our tactics and strategies. Today, I want to discuss a couple of key elements that should be part of your buyer presentation.

A common question from buyers is, "Why pay a buyer's agent a hefty sum to search for properties on the MLS when we can do it ourselves on platforms like Zillow or"

This is a valid concern. To prove our value, we need to show that we bring a lot more to the table. In your buyer presentation, just like a listing presentation, there are crucial points to cover.

When it comes to the property search, it's not just about using the MLS. We go above and beyond. I emphasize that we leave no stone unturned. I mention that, of...

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Bolstering Client Retention In Real Estate

In the fiercely competitive realm of real estate, creating lasting client relationships is the cornerstone of long-term success. However, keeping clients engaged, satisfied, and loyal is no easy task. This article elucidates strategies to improve customer service and client retention in the real estate industry, encompassing technology utilization, personalization, communication, and more.


1. Establish A Robust Online Presence

Create An Informative Real Estate Website

A well-designed, user-friendly, and informative real estate website is the first stepping stone to establishing a lasting relationship with clients. A website that provides valuable information and resources to clients can help to establish your credibility and professionalism. Ensure that your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and constantly updated with relevant information.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms offer a powerful avenue to connect with clients and keep them...

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The Magic of the “Yes, And” Technique: Transforming Objections into Opportunities in Real Estate Sales!


I recently learned a powerful technique from a top real estate agent:

It involves using specific language to handle objections.

Here's what I mean:

Instead of responding with "yes, but," I want you to rephrase it as "yes, and."

This simple shift can have a profound impact on your client interactions. For example, if a client tells you they want to hire a different agent, instead of saying "yes, but," try saying "yes, and I appreciate your honesty. I'm curious to understand your reasons for making that decision."

The magic of this approach is that it changes the dynamic and encourages open dialogue.

When a client expresses dissatisfaction with a property, rather than responding with "yes, but," respond with "yes, and."

Let's say that they think the house doesn't have a big enough backyard. You can say: "yes, and I understand your concern. On the other hand, there's a lovely park in the neighborhood that might...

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