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Unlock More Sales with This Simple Power Base Formula! 🚀 | Essential Tips for Real Estate Agents


Hey guys, what is your power base number? This is an essential number that every REALTOR should know. Your power base number is simply this: if I take my database size — and you should know your database size, whether it’s 195, 232, or 182 — you should know that number. If you don’t, you’re not in control of your business (which is a whole other conversation).

Let’s assume you do know it. Let’s say your database size is 232, and you closed 22 transactions last year. If I divide one into the other, 232 divided by 22, it tells me that for every 10.5 people in your database, you’re averaging one closed sale.

That’s your power base number.

You can use that number in a few ways. For business planning, you can say, “In 2025, I don’t want to close 22 transactions; I want to close 30." Since you know your power base number (closing one transaction for every 10.5 people), you can calculate that 30 times 10.5 equals 315.


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How to Attract Top Agents to Your Brokerage: The Vision-Driven Strategy for Real Estate Success


How many agents have contacted you—called, texted, emailed—in the last 30 days to say they want to work for you? If that number is four or five, or even more, congratulations! You're in a position where you're attracting agents to your company. That’s a rare position to be in, and not many offices can say the same.

But if you're not attracting a lot of people, the question becomes: why not? There could be many reasons, but the number one thing we need to focus on is building a company that is attractive.

It sounds simple, but it's not. There are many factors involved. Agent productivity, the training and education you offer, and how your company appears from the outside all matter.

Do you have a great culture?
Are your agents engaged in the community?
Is your company active on social media?
Do you have a YouTube channel?
Do you have a great office environment?

Being a visible leader in the MLS and the market helps too. Your agents should be out there, talking...

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Stop Wasting Time on New Agents: The Secret to Recruiting Top Producers Revealed


Want to know the number one mistake new brokerage owners and team leaders make?

Focusing on recruiting new agents.

When we enter this industry, we often have an ego, thinking we can coach and train people to be super successful. We have a passion for training and coaching, which leads us to believe we should direct that passion towards new agents.

But here's the problem:

There's an 87% attrition rate in our industry.

This means almost nine out of ten new agents you recruit will fail. You might think you can change that, but this number has been consistent over the last 30 years. It doesn't matter how good a coach or trainer you are, how good your brand, systems, CRM, website, or lead generation are. It's about what the new agents implement. No matter how good we are as mentors, some of them just won't take action.

All that being said, we were all new agents once. But those of us watching this today are part of a very small minority—the 10% who made it. And within that group,...

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Boost Your Brokerage's Success: The Secret Metric Every Top Agent Dreams About


Hey guys, as a team leader or brokerage owner, there's one key metric that defines your success:

Per agent productivity.

This metric encompasses every aspect of your role as a brokerage leader. It includes your recruiting plan, retention plan, marketing, branding, technology, training, coaching, mentoring, staffing, and location.

Essentially, everything you do at your brokerage is reflected in what your agents produce on a per-agent basis.

When I come to you and say, "Let's open up the hood of your company," we'll look at the average agent production over the last 12 months. What does it look like? If your average agent is closing six deals, seven deals, eight deals, three deals—whatever the number is—you'll have a starting point.

Our goal is to raise that number over time. The higher we push that number, the more likely you are to attract more agents to your business.

The number one way to attract agents is by demonstrating that your system drives higher sales than your...

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Master the Art of Real Estate Recruiting: Turn 'No' into 'Yes' with The “Open Door” Strategy


When recruiting agents, you'll hear "no" 90% of the time, if not more.

Many brokerage owners and team leaders stop recruiting because they dislike hearing "no." We may not be accustomed to it, especially if we've been successful in lead generation. This rejection can make you think recruiting isn't for you, leading you to wait for agents to come to you, which is not effective.

Your brokerage will fail if you don't actively recruit.

To start getting yeses and change your mindset about recruiting, understand that recruiting isn't about getting a yes today. It's about opening doors and creating relationships. The worst recruiters aim to close immediately, treating all agents the same—new agents and experienced agents alike. This is a mistake.

Recruiting a new agent is relatively easy, but recruiting an experienced agent doing $10-20 million in transactions is like recruiting a professional athlete. It starts with relationship building and opening doors.

How do we open doors?


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92% of FSBOs End Up Working with REALTORS. Here Are Pro-Tips To Win Their Listing


Why do people try FSBOs instead of listing with a REALTOR?

The answer might surprise you…

A lot would assume it's all about commission, but only 40% of sellers do it for that reason. That means 60% don't!

Another interesting fact: Only 5% of people will never use a REALTOR. The othere 95% are open to it.

In fact, did you know 92% of FSBOs will end up working with a REALTOR?

The question is: Will it be you or your competitor? You need to reach out to them. There's a 4-6 week incubation period for most FSBOs. So, commit to working with them for that time.

When calling them, use this magic sentence: "I'm not calling to list your house. I respect your decision to sell on your own."

This will bring their defenses down. Then, ask to come by and take a look at their house. No pressure to list. It's about incubation and relationship-building.

If they decide to list with you, be ready for that conversation. Walk through the house, take notes, and casually ask if they might work with a...

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Should You Consider Starting Your Own Podcast?



Should you have your own podcast?


It's a powerful tool to boost your influence and authority in your local market. By focusing on your niche, you become an expert and build authority over time.

Another benefit?

You can connect with influential people in your community. Create a list of top movers and shakers and invite them to be guests on your show. It's a win-win—you'll elevate your podcast's status and forge valuable connections.

Podcasting is straightforward—all you're doing is asking questions. Make it easy for your guests by providing a list of questions beforehand. Trust me, they'll love the opportunity to share their insights.

The best part?

You can repurpose your podcast content across different platforms using tools like Opus Pro and It's seamless and helps you reach a broader audience.

As for the cost?

It's super affordable. Platforms like Buzzsprout make hosting a breeze, and services like Fiverr can help with...

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How to Make Unforgettable Impressions as a REALTOR


Hey guys, when you meet someone new, whether it's at a party or a function, one of the first questions they ask is, "What do you do for a living?"

Our default response as REALTORS might be, "I'm a REALTOR."

But that's boring and generic. Everyone knows multiple REALTORS.

We need to rethink how we present ourselves and craft a unified message that leaves a lasting impression. We need to occupy a unique space in the minds of potential clients.

Imagine the brain as a whiteboard with "REALTOR" already written several times. It's meaningless and makes us seem like just another commodity. We must find a new space to occupy.

Here are some examples:

1. "I specialize in riverfront and rural properties in southern Oregon. With 30 years of experience in this market, it's my passion."

2. "I focus on helping people buy homes in the highly desirable Summerfield area."

3. "As a relocation specialist with John L. Sky Realty, I...

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Recruiting Secrets from a Pro: How to Build a Winning Real Estate Team


Do you want to be a better recruiter?

As a seasoned recruiter with over 30 years of experience, I can tell you the secret to successful recruiting is this:

Recruiting is like owning an NFL or NBA team.

You need to understand that recruiting is all about building relationships with people. People join people, not companies or brands. If they don't like you, they won't come to work for you.

So, first and foremost, you need to establish a career-long relationship with people in the marketplace.

To build these relationships, you need to have conversations with potential recruits. Top recruiters in the NBA, NFL, and NHL are cold-calling and creating connections with people. They're showing them the organization's value, passion, and vision of how they can help them win. Ultimately, people want to be with a winning team and need to see how you can help them make more money and make their life easier.

It's not all about commission...

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The Power of Reciprocity: How to Build Stronger Relationships and Close More Deals


How many referrals did you send out last week to your favorite vendors in your market area? If the answer for most of you is a big fat goose egg, here's the problem:

The problem is you gotta put into place the power of reciprocity.

You start pushing out what you want to receive. Give, give, give, and eventually things will start coming back to you. It's just a natural thought, reciprocity.

We give because we want to be grateful and generous, and we know eventually good things will come back. But when you're not in that mindset of having abundance and you're closed up, you're not ready for opportunity. You have to open yourself up to opportunity by being the person that provides opportunity to others.

When you're out in the market, you're listening for opportunities to help people in your sphere of influence, people that you can help with their small businesses and what they're trying to get done in their lives. When...

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