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Create a Winning Real Estate Success Portfolio: Boost Your Clientele & Close More Deals!


What is a success portfolio for a real estate professional?

Well, if you've ever gone to a photographer, architect, or even a wedding planner, you'll often see a book of their work—a portfolio. This showcases what they've done for other clients in the past.

Think about yourself. We often have listing presentations and now even buyer presentations, but do we have a portfolio of past performance?

This portfolio can be the pre-listing kit you've always dreamed of or the pre-buy meeting kit that will really motivate and inspire people to want to work with you.

So what would you put into this success portfolio? Of course, you'll include the properties you've sold and testimonials from other clients. You can also add marketing examples to show what you've done to market properties on social media, with flyers, with postcards, and even in a digital presentation, including video.There's a lot you could include in this presentation to make it really come alive and pop.

Now, imagine you...

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Why REALTORS Need to Address Climate Change: 30% of Clients Are Moving!


Here's an interesting question to put out on social media to your audiences:

Would you move from your current market because of climate change?

I've been in the business for 35 years, and we never really talked about climate change as a motivator for people to move. But it's becoming more and more of a reason for people to relocate. In fact, 30% of Americans today, especially young people, say they would move because of climate change or make a decision about where to live based on it.

That’s why this is an interesting question to ask on social media.

Climate change can take many different forms. In my market area, for example, it's fires.

We had a fire come through our neighborhoods that burned down 2,700 homes. It was one of the biggest fires in the nation for destroying homes. Absolutely devastating for our community. We went through several summers of fire, and a lot of people moved because they couldn't deal with the smoke and terrible air quality.

On the flip side, you...

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The Recent Homeowners Equity Update Unlocks Client Excitement Across Your Entire Database


Here's an amazing number you should share with everyone in your sphere of influence:

The average American homeowner now has $298,000 in equity, a record high!

This presents a fantastic opportunity to update your clients on their equity growth over the past year. We should do this every year with our clients, and if you haven't done it yet, make a point of doing it now.

Consider shooting a quick video and saying:


"Hey, good news! Across the country, the average homeowner now has $298,000 in equity. If you're curious about your equity position, I'd love to do a PAYER report for you.

What's a PAYER report? It stands for Personalized Equity Analysis Report. It provides a quick update on your home equity and where you stand. If you're thinking about selling, I'd love to help you. Or, if you're considering investing in more real estate and building even more equity, I'm happy to assist you there as well. At the very least, get a copy of that free PAYER report.”


That's the...

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How to Seize the Massive Commercial Real Estate Opportunity of 2024!


Here's a massive opportunity for you when you're looking at your sphere of influence. If you've got a list of people in your sphere that own businesses or are entrepreneurs with locations, we’re in a unique position with the commercial market right now. In many areas, the commercial market is really struggling.

The script for reaching out to these business owners in your sphere of influence is straightforward. Start by asking, “Do you rent or own your current location?”

Most will be renters, some will be owners.

If they say they are renters, you can respond with this:

“If you'd like to own, this is one of the best times in the last 10 years to buy commercial property. There are several factors at play:

  • Vacancies are high
  • Rents are declining
  • Rental prices and commercial real estate prices are stable, with some areas seeing decreases

There’s a real opportunity to get a bargain in today’s market.”

Or if they already own their property, ask,...

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How to Win a Real Estate Client Back After They Ghost You


In the real estate industry, there are two types of ghosts:

The first occurs when a buyer initiates contact but then disappears. It's common, but we shouldn't ignore it. Instead, we should follow up with these individuals after some time has passed. More often than not, they simply got busy, not because they disliked us or found another agent.

Reaching out with a call, text, or email is essential. We should inquire politely about their home buying progress. Even if they ghost us again, it's not a big deal. Let's not fear this type of ghosting and continue to pursue potential leads.

The second ghosting scenario involves us ghosting others inadvertently. It happens when we forget who certain contacts in our phone are. To address this, we should review our contacts and ask those we're unsure about to remind us of our connection.

By doing so, we might uncover opportunities we would have otherwise missed. Let's stop being ghosts ourselves and maintain connections with our contacts. These...

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How to Make Receiving Referrals as Natural as Breathing (Free Real Estate Referral Scripts)


Hey guys, let's talk about asking for generosity from your clients, specifically in the form of referrals.

I'm going to share two or three strategies that should feel natural to you because referrals are the number one way to generate business.

Remember, when people are going through a transaction, there's a four times greater likelihood they'll refer you because it's a natural part of the conversation.

So here's the deal: you've got to train them, you've got to coach them.

Try this scripting: "Now that you're buying or selling, I'm sure some of your friends are going to be jealous. If you run into somebody who wants to follow your lead, I'd love the opportunity to work with them." Simple, right? It doesn't sound salesy; it sounds natural.

Another approach: "Now that you're selling, I'm sure a few of your friends and family will be jealous. If they want to follow your lead, I'd appreciate your referral. I like working with people like you." It's about leveraging their network in a...

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This Real Estate Resume Strategy is a Classy Way to Dominate the Spring & Summer Markets


As we gear up for the bustling spring and summer real estate market, it's crucial to leverage our networks effectively.

How do we elegantly request referrals and direct business?

Enter the real estate resume strategy.

Just like crafting a resume for traditional employment, create a polished document highlighting your real estate expertise: experience, market performance, education, skills, testimonials, and office history.

Distribute this resume physically and via email to your entire database. Accompany it with a cover letter emphasizing your readiness for the busy season and encouraging recipients to share your resume with potential buyers or sellers. Keep it concise, yet professional.

This approach conveys authenticity and seriousness, distinguishing you from agents solely focused on humor or gimmicks.

By showcasing your dedication to your profession, you establish credibility and foster genuine connections. It's not just about being funny; it's about meaningful engagement. This...

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The “Local Business” Secret for Skyrocketing Your Real Estate Referrals


Heading into the new year, here's a game-changing strategy for you:

Open up your CRM, scan your sphere of influence, and pinpoint all the business owners. Start by reaching out to them. Call and ask, "Hey, Jim, how's the new year looking for you? How did last year finish off?"

Share your plan, "I want to start endorsing a local business every week on my social media, and I'd love to feature yours. I just want to promote local businesses I admire. No strings attached. Are you cool with that?"

They'll likely say yes, appreciating the gesture.

Be the Go-Giver. Lead with their needs. Within a week, make a post about their business on social media. Include photos, share your personal experience, and publicly endorse them. Tag them in the post. They might even share it with their audience. It's a win-win, a feel-good moment for both parties.

Even if they don't reciprocate immediately, the spirit of giving will work its magic for your business.

Now, measure your efforts. If your goal is to...

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Prospecting Mastery: Boost Your Calls with These Sneaky Tricks! 🚀💬 | Real Estate Lead Generation Hacks!


Hey, team, you're on prospecting calls today—reaching out to expired listings or for sale by owners, maybe marketing in a neighborhood. What if no one picks up? Do you leave a voicemail?

Before that, try this trick:

Hang up and call the same number quickly, twice. Imagine being on the other side—seeing a missed call, then the same number calling back. You're more likely to pick up.

Now, they still don't answer. It goes to voicemail. Should you leave a voicemail as a salesperson? Absolutely. The chances of circling back and calling again are low. Keep the message concise and to the point.

For an expired listing, I might say, "Hey, I'm Jim. Your property delisted today. Wondering if you're interviewing other agents. I have a 25-point marketing plan that works. Just sold a house nearby, 25 days, 5% over list price. Let's talk."

For a for sale by owner, a simple approach: "I'm J Man with ABC Real Estate. Saw your ad on Craigslist. Can I do a video of your property for...

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Master Real Estate Marketing: Buyers and Sellers Crave These 4 Things!


There's a fantastic book I read years ago called "Positioning" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. It delves into the concept that our brains, like a whiteboard, need a space. As marketers, our goal is to occupy that space in the consumer's mind. However, with numerous competitors in the market, the challenge is stiff.

I appreciate the idea that it's not about what we want to say; it's about what consumers want to hear and learn from us. Consider the top four things consumers seek from a realtor: finding the right home, assistance with paperwork (part of negotiation), negotiating price, and negotiating terms.

Reflect on these four aspects—finding the right home, negotiations on price and terms, and paperwork. Are we addressing these in our marketing and branding? Shift from what we want to say to what clients want to learn. This transforms marketing into something people want to pay attention to.

Now, let's consider what sellers want. The top four things a seller desires: an expert in...

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