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3 Homeowner Secrets Your Buyers Would Love to Know


June was Homeownership Month. And as a REALTOR, your job is to emphasize the value of homeownership. It's the product you sell, and you need to let people know that being a homeowner has significant financial advantages.

Here's the first one:

The average homeowner has 40 times the net worth of the average renter.


The number one reason is that every time you make your monthly mortgage payment, a portion goes towards principal reduction. It's like a forced savings account, building up over time. When you sell the property, you benefit from this accumulation.

Additionally, you have appreciation. Every year, the home's value increases, sometimes more, sometimes less, but over a 30-year mortgage, the property value generally rises.

On top of that, homeowners receive substantial tax benefits that renters don't.

These are three key reasons why someone should consider becoming a homeowner today.

Your job is to provide people with a path to homeownership. The biggest resistance point...

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Why Insurance Rates Have Skyrocketed (And How To Best Protect Your Homeowners)


Interesting new data shows that 63% of home buyers who purchased a home after the pandemic believe their home will be impacted by climate change at some level. found that statistically, 44.8% of homes actually will be affected.

Regardless of the numbers, it's clear that climate change is on the minds of our clients.

What matters is that your clients believe it, and insurance companies believe it too. Insurance rates have skyrocketed over the last few years due to environmental impacts like floods, hurricanes, and fires. These natural disasters cause insurers to take losses, leading them to ramp up their rates in anticipation of more such events.

As REALTORS, you can serve your clients by addressing this issue. Say to them:

“You probably have seen your insurance rates going up. Part of the reason for that is environmental impacts across the country. I've got a great insurance agent who can shop your rate and find the best deal for you. Also, if you want, I can give...

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Create a Winning Real Estate Success Portfolio: Boost Your Clientele & Close More Deals!


What is a success portfolio for a real estate professional?

Well, if you've ever gone to a photographer, architect, or even a wedding planner, you'll often see a book of their work—a portfolio. This showcases what they've done for other clients in the past.

Think about yourself. We often have listing presentations and now even buyer presentations, but do we have a portfolio of past performance?

This portfolio can be the pre-listing kit you've always dreamed of or the pre-buy meeting kit that will really motivate and inspire people to want to work with you.

So what would you put into this success portfolio? Of course, you'll include the properties you've sold and testimonials from other clients. You can also add marketing examples to show what you've done to market properties on social media, with flyers, with postcards, and even in a digital presentation, including video.There's a lot you could include in this presentation to make it really come alive and pop.

Now, imagine you...

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This “Experiences” Secret will Boost your Referrals by 24%


Hey guys, want to increase your referrals by 24%?

It's simple, and it comes from the American Marketing Association: When you ask for a referral and attach a reward to it, your referrals increase by 24%.

So, what rewards work best?

Cash, consumables like wine or coffee, right?

But here's the issue with consumables most people overlook:

They're forgotten once consumed.

That’s why I prefer giving experiences…

An experience sticks with you. It's memorable.

For instance, for a couple who refers a great client, I might reward them with a night out at a local restaurant. Personalize it with a note: "Enjoy this meal on me. Thanks for the referral!"

For a golfer, instead of a round of golf, a golf lesson; for a tennis player, a tennis lesson.

Or if they're into concerts, a music ticket; sports, a sporting event ticket.

These experiences are unforgettable. Find what resonates with them personally, and your referral count will skyrocket.

Why do Brokerage Owners, Office...

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How to Make Receiving Referrals as Natural as Breathing (Free Real Estate Referral Scripts)


Hey guys, let's talk about asking for generosity from your clients, specifically in the form of referrals.

I'm going to share two or three strategies that should feel natural to you because referrals are the number one way to generate business.

Remember, when people are going through a transaction, there's a four times greater likelihood they'll refer you because it's a natural part of the conversation.

So here's the deal: you've got to train them, you've got to coach them.

Try this scripting: "Now that you're buying or selling, I'm sure some of your friends are going to be jealous. If you run into somebody who wants to follow your lead, I'd love the opportunity to work with them." Simple, right? It doesn't sound salesy; it sounds natural.

Another approach: "Now that you're selling, I'm sure a few of your friends and family will be jealous. If they want to follow your lead, I'd appreciate your referral. I like working with people like you." It's about leveraging their network in a...

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This Real Estate Resume Strategy is a Classy Way to Dominate the Spring & Summer Markets


As we gear up for the bustling spring and summer real estate market, it's crucial to leverage our networks effectively.

How do we elegantly request referrals and direct business?

Enter the real estate resume strategy.

Just like crafting a resume for traditional employment, create a polished document highlighting your real estate expertise: experience, market performance, education, skills, testimonials, and office history.

Distribute this resume physically and via email to your entire database. Accompany it with a cover letter emphasizing your readiness for the busy season and encouraging recipients to share your resume with potential buyers or sellers. Keep it concise, yet professional.

This approach conveys authenticity and seriousness, distinguishing you from agents solely focused on humor or gimmicks.

By showcasing your dedication to your profession, you establish credibility and foster genuine connections. It's not just about being funny; it's about meaningful engagement. This...

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How to Tap into The Shadow Inventory Boom with One Simple Question!


Hey folks, did you know 23% of homeowners in the US are planning to sell their homes within three years?

That's a massive pool of potential listings right in your community.

How can you tap into this "shadow inventory"? Well, here's a winning strategy: a personalized letter campaign.

You're already farming neighborhoods, right? So send out letters, but make them different this time. Start with a simple question: "Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner, is this the last home you'll ever own?"

It's a magic question because regardless of age, people always think there's another move ahead.

Then, explain that some of your clients aren't keen on listing publicly but would entertain offers from qualified buyers. Offer to chat if they're in that boat. Include your contact info, and keep it straightforward.

This approach will resonate with many homeowners who aren't ready for the market but would consider a strong offer. You'll start receiving calls, so funnel them into your drip campaign. Build that...

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92% of FSBOs End Up Working with REALTORS. Here Are Pro-Tips To Win Their Listing


Why do people try FSBOs instead of listing with a REALTOR?

The answer might surprise you…

A lot would assume it's all about commission, but only 40% of sellers do it for that reason. That means 60% don't!

Another interesting fact: Only 5% of people will never use a REALTOR. The othere 95% are open to it.

In fact, did you know 92% of FSBOs will end up working with a REALTOR?

The question is: Will it be you or your competitor? You need to reach out to them. There's a 4-6 week incubation period for most FSBOs. So, commit to working with them for that time.

When calling them, use this magic sentence: "I'm not calling to list your house. I respect your decision to sell on your own."

This will bring their defenses down. Then, ask to come by and take a look at their house. No pressure to list. It's about incubation and relationship-building.

If they decide to list with you, be ready for that conversation. Walk through the house, take notes, and casually ask if they might work with a...

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Should You Consider Starting Your Own Podcast?



Should you have your own podcast?


It's a powerful tool to boost your influence and authority in your local market. By focusing on your niche, you become an expert and build authority over time.

Another benefit?

You can connect with influential people in your community. Create a list of top movers and shakers and invite them to be guests on your show. It's a win-win—you'll elevate your podcast's status and forge valuable connections.

Podcasting is straightforward—all you're doing is asking questions. Make it easy for your guests by providing a list of questions beforehand. Trust me, they'll love the opportunity to share their insights.

The best part?

You can repurpose your podcast content across different platforms using tools like Opus Pro and It's seamless and helps you reach a broader audience.

As for the cost?

It's super affordable. Platforms like Buzzsprout make hosting a breeze, and services like Fiverr can help with...

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How To Use AI to Turn Your Website into a Magnet for Potential Clients


Your website should be a magnet for potential clients. Think about it: when someone recommends you, the first thing others do is Google you. And if your website looks outdated, it's a turn-off. So, let's talk about how to create a standout website that dominates your market.

First, your website should reflect the lifestyle of your niche. If you're in a bustling city, showcase the urban lifestyle. If you're in a scenic area, highlight the natural beauty.

Second, make search functionality a priority. Your website should seamlessly connect to local MLS for easy property searches.

Third, make it hyperlocal. Your website should be a one-stop hub for all things community-related. Include tabs for relocation, buying, and selling. Also, keep your website dynamic by updating it regularly. Changing photos seasonally keeps it fresh and engaging.

Photos are paramount. Consider using AI tools to enhance and update them regularly.

Another must-have is a blog. Posting weekly about the local real...

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