Here's a quick technique you can use in the field today to unlock more buyers, more sellers, and more opportunities.
It's the 'What's Stopping You?' technique.
This simple question can be added to almost any script to open up conversations, engage clients in a thoughtful conversation, and uncover leads that you may have missed using a traditional approach.
Watch this three minute video to see the technique in action!
Here's something to think about as you're coming into contact with your database this week which is the power of - The Next Step.
As you're making contacts, think ahead to the context of your next conversation. This is critical because you want to make contacts in context. If I'm talking to somebody and they mention that they're going to Hawaii, or their wife's having back surgery, or they got a new dog, you want to make those notes in your contact database, your CRM, so the next time you talk to them, you're talking in context about what they just talked to you about a week or two ago.
If you're always focused on what you want to say and you're not acknowledging what's going on in the client's lives, there's not going to be as much resonance, or as much of a connection. Instead you will come across like a typical salesperson. Our goal when making contacts is to elevate our client relationships to friendships.
To apply this technique requires a few...
The one thing that is missing from most agent's business strategy can be summed up in one word - accountability.
There is no easy way for agents, team leaders, and brokerage owners to measure their daily activities against their goal set. This creates inconsistency in lead generation, gaps in your performance, and an empty bank account.
Even with the best coaching and training your business model can fall flat unless you take the time to carefully implement, track, and measure your performance.
Listen we have all been guilty of attending a webinar, listening to a pod cast, or reading a great book but not actually pulling the trigger on action. But action is the only true way to create the results that will transform your business.
But what if you had a solution?
A simple, elegant way to track activities and results bundled with the best coaching platform in the industry plus incredible marketing assets that will help you stand out in your marketplace.
Watch this video to...
One of the things that we're seeing across the country, at every level is that buyers are climbing the pricing ladder and purchasing more expensive homes.
A couple of reasons. First lower price categories have sold out in a lot of markets so they're forced to go up to the next price bracket. But another reason is interest rates. As interest rates decline it allows buyer to move up into price brackets they haven't been able to before without having as big as an impact on their house payment as in years past.
Interestingly what's happening now is that we are starting to see this really impact the luxury. This is an incredible opportunity! Now is a great time to dive into expired luxury listings that have been off the market for an extended period of time and start making contact. We call these legacy expired listings.
To get started do some deep research in your MLS. Go back two, three, or even four years on expired luxury listings. Can't find a phone...
The market is changing, we are starting to see double-digit appreciation returning to the marketplace. Unfortunately this can cause some sellers to get ahead of the market and demand prices that are unreasonable. In short some sellers are getting greedy.
As a real estate professional one of our most important jobs is to be be an educator. Try using the "Four Sales" - Script to help educate your sellers:
"We have to sell this home to four different people. We have to sell it to the real estate community, to motivate them to show the home. Then we have to sell it to the buyer. Then we have to sell it to the appraiser and finally we have to sell it to the underwriter for the bank. All of these people will measure your home-based other homes they have seen in the marketplace. Even if one of them agrees to pay over market – it’s unlikely the other three will also agree."
Are you ready for a Real Estate Coach?
Check out the Path Performance...
During this episode of the podcast I interviewed Erin Bradley. Erin is a speaker and trainer, bestselling author, and host of the real estate podcast Pursuing Freedom.
Erin learned the hard way just how difficult entrepreneurship and success in sales can be. From flat broke to 6 figures, and then to burnout, Erin has been through it all, and quickly discovered that the stress of overwhelm is no less painful than the financial stress of failure. After redesigning her business to support her dream life, she’s been on a mission to teach her fellow real estate professionals to do the same.
During the program we dive deep on these core topics:
Watch, Listen, Subscribe, and Share!
What if I told you that there's a new opportunity in the market and no one's looking at? It's what I call a New Delta. A Delta is a point between two markets statistics which creates a gap, and that gap is opportunity.
Some sellers are still hesitating on moving forward with the selling process in large part due to two key reasons. Safety and they don't know where they're going to move next.
When COVID started back in March most of us were on top of it. We had the health questionnaire and protocols in place for buyers and sellers. We were really clear with buyers and sellers about how we were keeping them safe. But as time has passed and the real estate market has ramped up the message has faded. We don't see as many agents having those conversations and especially not having conversations in their marketing.
Now is the time to dive back and start talking about safety and protocols. Keep marketing around safety in your social media, in your flyers, in your campaigns, and on your website. Lay it out for your buyers and sellers. Show potential sellers with photos and video that what you are doing to keep them safe during showing. Show yourself with opening doors, widows,...
50% Complete
Fresh ideas, new scripts, cool tools, and the hottest trends in the real estate industry are coming your way. Have an amazing day!