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Interview w Skye Flora: How to Leverage Your Database for World Class Results


How do you leverage your database to create world class results? Superstar Skye Flora knows the answer. Entering the business just over three years ago she has already sold $30 million dollars in real estate by focusing on connecting with her sphere of influence.

Think you need a massive sphere of influence to create massive results? Think again Skye has been able to build her business with a small but high quality database of people that truly 'know, like, and trust' her! 

Skye's intentional, systematic approach to the real estate business has created a steady stream of referrals and raving fans. Watch and learn how Skye approaches her day, how she connects every month with her database, and what she does to stay educated on the market. 

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

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Five Steps to Host an Amazing Client Appreciation Event


Do you remember the last sales call you received? How about the last email? The last sales letter? You are not alone. Most of us quickly forget even fantastic sales people because we are bombarded by so many sales messages and marketing daily.

Our clients are in the same boat and studies show that every one of our clients is also in 9 other agents sphere's of influence. Experiential marketing can unlock the door to more referrals, better client relationships, and clients who remember you! One way to do this is with a Client Appreciation Party. 

Watch and learn why high level companies and high level salespeople use experiential marketing and Five Steps to Hosting a Client Appreciation Party. 

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes:

Weekly Coaching Program: 

 About Jim Remley:


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Re-Setting Key Relationships to Fuel Massive Success in 2019


When you think about your three best real estate clients from the previous 12 months - Do you know their goals personally and professionally for 2019?

The first month of the year is always a time for resolutions and goal setting. Savvy agents use this unique opportunity to discover what their clients are truly passionate about in life and in business.

Understanding and caring about your clients aspirational goals will instantly re-set key relationships as your focus will shift to what is truly important for them to accomplish.  You will lead with the client need.  As many top producers have learned when you help enough other people hit their goals, they will help you hit your goals. 

Watch this quick video to discover key scripts and a five point plan to engage your best clients, as well as one extra step that can unlock even more synergy. 

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

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Start Leveraging Your Single Best Asset In Real Estate


In a recent Real Trends study it was found that 69% of buyers and sellers found their agent from a "trusted referral." Smart agents don't buy leads they create leads. 

When you reflect on where your sales came from last year in most cases the vast majority will have come from someone that you already knew or someone that was referred to you. Yet in real estate we spend thousands on marketing, branding, and on-line lead generation chasing potential clients we have never met or may never meet. 

Savvy agents understand that their database is a core asset, in fact, it's their single best asset. They manage, cultivate, and incubate their database with an intentional contact plan and then fully immerse themselves into turning their database into a referral machine. 

Watch this full live class focused on building your sphere of influence and start leveraging your single best asset in real estate. (Don't miss how to add 22 transactions a year to your bottom...

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Five Ways to Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever in Real Estate

First I hope you had an amazing holiday with your family. My wife, Danielle, and I were able to have a fun trip over to Whitefish, Montana by train and spent the holidays in the snow. From both Danielle and I we wish you a happy New Year! 

As we all look forward to 2019 it’s important to consider five key areas of your business that can have a massive impact on your success in the New Year.

Let’s break them down: 

1)      Your Attitude –To change your attitude the first step is to accept that motivation is a myth. Waiting for motivation to strike or for someone or something to motivate you is like waiting for lightning to strike. Houses would never be built, books would never be written, music would never be made if those creators all waited for motivation to strike. The secret to success isn’t motivation, it’s work. Your attitude about doing the work is the key to your success. Acceptance that no magic bullet, no...

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Easy Scripts for Open House and Buyer Conversion (and Follow Up!)


How do you capture leads at an open house or when connecting with a buyer on the phone? While many agents 'wing' every conversation with a potential client superstars use scripts to ensure they convert more conversations into closings! 

Having a strong conversion plan is essential to a marketing strategy that maximizes your return on investment for marketing dollars. Consider if you are already connecting with enough potential clients to transform your career you simply need a better conversion strategy. 

Watch and learn several easy conversion scripts and follow up scripts you can use in the field today to begin capturing, converting, and closing more potential clients into sales. 

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes! 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real...

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Unlock More Leads with a Fresh Approach to Circle Marketing


Studies show that 1 out of 20 homeowners is considering selling at any given point in time (roughly 5% of the homeowner population).

When a new listing hits the market in an area where there hasn't been a lot of listings it can spark conversations. This the often the trigger event, the catalyst, for  homeowners to get serious about putting their home on the market. Which is often why when one sign goes up in area, multiple listings follow. 

Take advantage of this phenomenon with a fresh approach to circle marketing. Watch and learn how using your current listings and the relationships your sellers already have with their neighbors can lead to more opportunities!

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes! 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate....

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How to Motivate Buyers When Interest Rates are Rising


As buyers watch the national news they are continually hearing about interest rates rising and the impact on payments, affordability, and the overall cost of buying a home.

This negative news can impact their motivation to move forward in purchasing a home and ultimately your ability to sell more homes. How do you respond to this challenge? 

Watch and learn how using good data (like the two charts below) can powerfully impact your conversations with buyers and using one simple script can put buyers at ease about moving forward with purchasing a home. 

(There is good news in both these graphs)



Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes! 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely...

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What to Say When Seller Wants to "Take House Off the Market for Winter"


In our changing marketing landscape we must adapt our strategy, our sales language, and our approach to advising and consulting with buyer and sellers to ensure they make informed decisions. 

In a traditional market with the normal seasonality of a stronger selling season in the spring and summer and a slower selling season in the fall in winter - many sellers will consider taking their house off the market during the winter, and many buyers may wait for more inventory to arrive in the typical spring and summer surge.  

We are not in a traditional market. The market today is undergoing a transition, a normalization which in many areas means more inventory is quickly flooding back into your local MLS. 

Watch and learn how to coach your clients (buyers and sellers) on why buying a home now is a great idea and why keeping their home on the market is a smart strategic decision

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes! 

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68% of Sellers Receive 9% More at Closing Using this Technique


As more listings enter the market the competition for buyers and offers in many areas of the country is rising rapidly. Because of this it's important help your sellers position their home to have the best chance at selling. 

In a recent study of 4200 REALTORS it was founds that 68% of staged homes received offers at least 9% more than their counterparts who were un-staged.

Watch and learn what staging means, how to discuss it with your sellers, who pays for it, and the top recommendations from REALTORS nationwide. 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock...

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50% Complete

Fresh ideas, new scripts, cool tools, and the hottest trends in the real estate industry are coming your way. Have an amazing day!