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Home Affordability Index + Home Price Appreciation Next 2 Years


Are homes more or less affordable than they were a year ago? 

According to the National Association of REALTORS homes are significantly more affordable today than they were a year ago on a national basis. Housing affordability increased from a year ago in May, moving the index up 5.6% from 142.4 to 150.4.  This even while the median sales price for a single family home sold in May in the US was $280,200, up 4.6% from a year ago. 

The reason homes are more affordable? Nationally, mortgage rates were down 60 basis points from one year ago (one percentage point equals 100 basis points).  Another piece of good news payments as a percentage of income went down to 16.6% this May and 17.6% from a year ago. 

Watch as Jim breaks down the numbers as well as projections on home price appreciation over the next two years, and provides scripts for talking to your clients!

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Good Time to Buy or Sell - New Study Reveals What Clients are Thinking...


Have you ever wondered what buyers and sellers think about the market? 

Inside the quarterly HOME Survey from the National Association of REALTORS we learn the answers. This quarterly report reflects consumer feelings about the housing market. It includes views on housing as a good financial investment, whether home ownership is part of the American Dream, if now is a good time to buy or sell a home, and perception of home price changes.

You can read the whole report by clicking this link:

You can also watch this quick video and see how Jim not only breaks down some of the numbers but provides scripts for talking with both buyers and sellers!

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2000 VS 2019 - How Does the Economy and Real Estate Market Compare?


Is the real estate market better or worse than it was 20 years ago and more importantly what is the outlook for the real estate market in the coming years? During this video Jim explores several key factors including population trends, interest rates, household formation, and the number of real estate transactions occurring annually. 

Many of our clients don't know that the real estate industry is a major driver of the United States economy accounting for over 17% of the gross domestic product each year. On average every transaction adds over $84,000 to the local economy.

See how each sale impacts your state by clicking this link:

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Does the Trade War Impact Real Estate Sales?


Does the trade war impact real estate sales? 

Yes, it does. Regardless of where you fall politically on the subject of our current trade war as a real estate professional it's important to understand and be able to explain how the trade war directly impacts residential real estate sales to our clients. The good news is that there is good news. 

Watch this quick coaching video as Jim provides the explanation as well as scripts to use in the field with your buyer and seller clients. 

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Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely...

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Yeah Sure .... Does Language Matter in Sales? (90 Second Coaching)


Does language matter in sales? Yes it does! According to communication expert Ryan Avery what you say and how you say it is a reflection of your brand, your confidence level, and your ability to influence people and situations in a positive way. 

For instance when we respond with the words "yeah or sure" to a question or a concern it may not convey clearly to the person asking the question or raising an issue that you truly care about the outcome, that you are committed to solution, or that you even know how to address the situation. Instead expert communicators use more direct and affirmative responses like - "Yes, Absolutely, 100%, or of course."

Watch as Jim explains why this concept is so important during this quick video coaching segment. 

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50 Top Metro Areas Slip Into Buyer Market Status- Is Your Market Next?


According to a recent study by - "Among the 100 largest U.S. metros, conditions in 50 are now shifting in favor of buyers, a ten-fold increase from just five metros a year ago. They determined this shift by examining an average of three buyer/seller balance-of-power indicators and analyzing how they’ve changed in the last year (from January 2018 to January 2019): the share of listings with at least one price cut, the monthly median days on market, and the sales-to-list price ratio (how a home’s final selling price compares to its list price). All three have shifted in favor of buyers.

This shift also shows up in other common housing metrics. Homes sitting on the market longer, for example, can also help push up monthly measures of inventory because home shoppers can count on listings remaining active for longer, giving them more options at any given time.

The shift in favor of buyers is also happening where home values have risen the most over the past six...

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Steve Thomas Interview - $17 Million Closed Second Year in the Business


How does a new agent close $17 million dollars in his second year in the real estate business? During this interview with Steve Thomas we dive into how he has created such incredible results using a low tech, high impact strategy. 

Watch and learn about Steve's daily schedule of making contact with his sphere of influence, how many networking meetings he conducts a week, how he creates his top 50 VIP list, and how he works with buyers to ensure they stay loyal to him throughout the transaction. 

Do you need more leads, more listings, more buyers, and more closings? 

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Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an...

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The GAP that is Killing Your Real Estate Business


The GAP is the sudden realization that your pipeline is (or is nearly) dry. You have run out of escrows, listings, and active buyers. Your fuel tank indicator is flashing red and you still have miles to go before all of your bills are covered for the next month or quarter. 

Why do agents have gaps in their income?

Inconsistent lead generation is the number one reason for a gap.

Almost all agents at some point in their career stop doing what made them successful in the first place. They stop making calls, sending letters, connecting on social media, and conducting networking meetings. They stop calling their best clients, delivering gifts, and touring homes daily. They stop attending office meetings, training events, and social mixers. They stop moving forward and soon their momentum slows and then stops altogether.

The difference between good agents and great agents is what they do next. When the gap strikes agents can naturally feel panicky, emotional, angry, or...

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Home Values Fall for the First Time in Seven Years - New Game Plan


Pending home sales surged in March up 3.8% (blowing past economists expectations of only .07%) but there is a catch the median US home value fell for the first time in seven years in April. Why are sales surging but prices are now falling?

The answer isn't that demand has changed. Buyers are still in the market and sales have ebbed and flowed with interest rates. What is changing are inventory levels. More inventory is piling up across the country. This means more to choose from for buyers and more pricing pressure for sellers. To attract a buyer sellers have to price their home's to compete against more and more inventory hitting the market daily. 

Watch this video to explore a game plan for having three key conversations with your sellers to ensure they get their pricing right! 

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Study: Based on 28 Million Sales the Best Day of the Year to List a House....


When should we list our home?

It's a question we often hear from sellers. Aside from the inevitable answer we want to give - right  now - there is a new big data study from ATTOM Data Solutions that provides an actual statistical based answer.

Based on their analysis of 28 million home and condo sales over an 8 year period their study has revealed 5 key days of the year when sellers receive an average 10% premium over the market. 

Watch the video for a quick script to frame this conversation with sellers. 

Do you need more leads, more listings, more buyers, and more closings? 

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Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college...

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