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The Powerful 'Buyer Magnet' Strategy Every REALTOR Needs to Unlock More Listings!


Other than your direct sphere of influence, what’s the second-best source of business for REALTORS? Let me share my perspective and see if it aligns with yours.

We know 70–80% of our business comes from our sphere. So, what should we focus on to generate the remaining 20–30%? In my 35 years of coaching, I believe the biggest opportunity lies in your buyer pool.

Buyers are the ultimate magnet for sellers. The question is, are you using your buyers effectively as a lure? I call this strategy In Search Of (ISO) ads. Here’s how it works:

Think of yourself as a fisherman. The lure on the end of your line could be a free CMA or tips on getting top dollar for a home. But the best lure is a live buyer ready to purchase.

For example, if I have a buyer interested in a specific neighborhood, I’ll let the neighborhood know:

  • "I’ve got a live buyer moving from Sacramento. They’re ready to purchase within the next couple of months, but nothing on the...
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This “Live Buyer Farming” Secret Generates More Leads Faster than Almost Anything Else


Are you doing live buyer farming right now?

If not, you're missing a huge lead generation opportunity.

So, what is live buyer farming? It’s simple. When you go out to show a home, use the 5-5-10 method: reach out to five homes on either side and 10 homes across the street. Send them a quick text or call saying something like:

"Hey, my name's Jim. I just showed your neighbor's property across the street. They love the neighborhood, but the home didn’t quite check all the boxes. Quick question—would you consider selling for the right price if you didn’t have to list your house and had plenty of time to find your dream home? If you’d consider it, give me a call, email, or text. I’d love to have that conversation."

What's the response rate on this? On average, one out of every 20 people you contact will be open to having that conversation.

This is a winning strategy for lead generation. You’ll start so many conversations that can lead to future...

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The “Four Layers” Secret for Doubling or Tripling Your Listings (Even in New Neighborhoods)


How many of you are using cold emails to reach out to neighborhoods or farm areas?

If you’re not doing it yet, it’s something you might want to add to your toolkit. You don’t need to send thousands of emails—maybe just 50 or 100 at a time. Keep it manageable.

You might be wondering, “Jim, where do I find these email addresses?”

There are plenty of places to find them. One of my favorites is REDX. They often have email addresses for homeowners in certain neighborhoods. They might not have them all, but they have a surprising number. Once you have those email addresses, you can send out emails to solicit listings or at least start a conversation about potential interest in selling.

Here’s an idea: use the same script you’d put on a postcard or mailing and adapt it for email. Then, take an integrated approach—send both the physical mail and the email. You can also add “layers” by sending a text and running a social media...

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Dominate Your Local Real Estate Market with the Overlooked “Farming” Your Neighborhood Marketing Strategy


Are you actively farming your own neighborhood?

It's a straightforward marketing strategy that many agents overlook. So, why should you consider farming your own neighborhood?

Well, it all comes down to the fact that people prefer doing business with those they know, like, and trust, especially when they share a common bond.

When you live in the same neighborhood, potential clients are more inclined to choose you as their REALTOR. However, this won't happen if you're a "secret agent" – someone they don't even know lives nearby and can serve them.

To get started, you need to establish yourself as a local expert.


Begin by introducing yourself through a letter or postcard. Let them know you're a resident and express your interest in being their preferred REALTOR. Share your credentials and accomplishments to give them confidence in your abilities.

Next, demonstrate that you're an active agent....

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How Long Do People Stay In Their Homes?


How long do people stay in their homes? It's an interesting question. And it's a question that's related to marketing for us.

Prior to 2008, the average person stayed in their home five years before they moved on. So quite a bit of turnover there.

From 2008 to 2016, that number moved up to eight years.

And now that number has gone even higher — it's now 10.6 years.

So why are people staying in their homes longer? Well, there's lots of reasons.

The Great Recession had an impact. Super low interest rates have an impact. Having less inventory in the markets for people to move up to and change homes has also made a big impact.

But one question we should know and ask our clients is how about our local market? How about with our own sphere? What does that look like for the people that you're actually doing business with?

It's a great text. It's a great social media post to ask this question:

"The average homeowner spends 10.6...

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Unlock More Leads with a Fresh Approach to Circle Marketing


Studies show that 1 out of 20 homeowners is considering selling at any given point in time (roughly 5% of the homeowner population).

When a new listing hits the market in an area where there hasn't been a lot of listings it can spark conversations. This the often the trigger event, the catalyst, for  homeowners to get serious about putting their home on the market. Which is often why when one sign goes up in area, multiple listings follow. 

Take advantage of this phenomenon with a fresh approach to circle marketing. Watch and learn how using your current listings and the relationships your sellers already have with their neighbors can lead to more opportunities!

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes! 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate....

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Power Scripts For Rising Interest Rates + Instagram Farming + Voice Mail Drops


As real estate professionals we understand that higher interest rates have a direct impact on affordability. With the FED expected to raise rates three more times between now and the end of 2019 how is this changing the conversations you are having with buyers and sellers in the market? 

Watch and learn how one Seattle agent used a brilliant strategy to negotiate a successful sale for her buyer clients using interest rates as key negotiation tactic and how many agents are now talking about interest rates to secure price adjustments

Bonus: Also watch for two lead generation strategies that can unlock more transactions - Geo Farming Using Instagram and Voice Mail Drops! 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized...

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