Jim Remley would like to be your Performance Coach
Why do Brokerage Owners, Office Leaders, Team Leaders, and Solo Agents choose Jim to be their coach?
- 32 Years of Real Estate Sales, Management, and Coaching Experience
- Top 1% REALTOR Himself (he has been in the trenches)
- Opened his First Real Estate Company at 23
- Grew his Real Estate Company to 17 Offices (largest in Oregon)
- His Current Team Closed $1.4 Billion in Sales Last Year
- He is a Current Real Trends Top 500 Broker
When you work with Jim there is no "team" of coaches - you are being trained by Jim and tapping his knowledge and experience.

What best describes you today?

James Colburn
Jim speaks from the heart, provides practical real world steps, and challenges me to get out of my own way. Jim is a skilled facilitator, thoughtful listener and straight shooter. I can't recommend Jim enough!

Marcy McQuillan
Having been a teacher and a university professor myself, I recognize quality teaching and training, and Jim Remley is definitely a born teacher. He demonstrates his thorough knowledge of the material and presents it in a manner that makes it comprehensible to all of his students. He also has a great wit, and his instruction is enjoyable and engaging. I could listen to him all day long!

Brian Druihet
While many RE coaches focus on inspiration and mindset, Jim Remley’s coaching style goes a layer deeper by providing actionable insights that produce results. Highly recommend working with Jim Remley!
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