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Tapping into the Aspirational Goals of Your Clients

Your best clients helped you a ton last year - they bought and sold homes, they told their family and friends about you, they gave you encouragement, provided referrals, and were your biggest advocates. 
So what did you do to help them with their goals and dreams?
If the answer is not nearly enough then this is your year to embrace Aspirational Marketing.  Your best clients, your A+ group, and all of your friends have aspirational goals both personally and professionally. Your mission, your passion, should be to discover what these goals are and help each of them in any way that you can.
Because when you help enough other people achieve their dreams they will help you achieve yours! It's the power of reciprocity. When you focus on helping others you in turn will be helped. 
Where do you start? By asking the question, try using this script:
Listen I just wanted to call and say thank you for (referrals/doing business) last...
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The Annual Home Value Review Technique


If you are looking for a value added way to connect with your sphere of influence - the Annual Home Valuation Review is a fantastic technique that provides clients with something they are always interested in knowing but never want to bother asking you: What exactly is my home worth?

By offering to provide an annual home valuation you are providing your sphere with timely, accurate information and more importantly you are putting yourself in a position to receive referrals. Let's look at the scripting:

Sphere members:

Good Morning…I am now offering a value update service to all my friends. It’s free and it’s not about selling your home. It’s a report that provides you with an estimated value of your home annually. A lot of people find it useful for estate planning, insurance, and for financial planning. Would you like a quick update on your home value?

Social Media Post:

Annual Home Value Update - Have you checked your home value on Zillow? It’s...

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Podcast: Lab Coat Agents with Jeff Pfitzer

It was an honor to be on the Lab Coat Agents Pod Cast with Jeff Pfitzer during the program we covered a ton of ground but really focused on how to unlock business by using Aspirational and Experiential Marketing. 

Here is the show description: 

During this episode of the Lab Coat Agents Podcast, host Jeff Pfitzer speaks with Jim Remley, a broker-owner and coach. Jim understands how to start a conversation and go beyond the basics. He is a great teacher who shares his secrets to understanding aspirational and experiential marketing and how it can help you convert more in 2020. If you are struggling to talk to enough people every day to achieve your goals, you need to tune into this podcast episode.

Episode Highlights: 

  • Jim Remley had a dream of getting into the real estate business. He dropped out of college, walked into a Century 21 office, and began his career.
  • Within twelve months he took 150 listings and got into the top 1% in his region.
  • At 24, he...
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Podcast: Stay Top of Mind w Billion Dollar Agent Dan Lesniak

I recently had the pleasure to be interviewed by Billion Dollar Agent Dan Lesniak. Dan Lesniak is a billion dollar real estate agent, best selling author, investor, developer and brokerage owner.

Dan began his career in real estate in 2012 after having successful careers both as a Naval submarine officer and defense contractor.  His HyperLocal strategy led to one of the fastest starts in real estate with over $22 million in sales in his first year.

For Brokers, Owners, and Managers

During the first 30 minutes of the conversation we focus on the brokerage side of the business including recruiting and building a culture of excellence including: 

  • Recruiting by referral
  • The Recruiting Down-Line 
  • How to Build a Culture of Excellence
  • Social Nights and Client Appreciation Events
  • The Importance of Training
  • Staff Support 

For Agents and Team Leaders

During the last 30 minutes of the show (30:30) we dive into key challenges and opportunities facing real estate...

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7 Steps to an Amazing Client Appreciation Party!


Your most valuable asset as a real estate professional are relationships with your sphere of influence. These key influencers are driving an average of 80% of your business to your bottom line both from direct business and most importantly referrals. 

So what are you doing to market to this amazing group of people? If the answer is buying more Zillow leads - you are failing a massive test. Take a look at these stats: 

Customer acquisition & retention marketing stats:

  • Acquiring a new customer can cost 5X more than retaining an existing customer.
  • Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits from 25-95%.
  • The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.

To ensure that you are maximizing your opportunities consider throwing a Client Appreciation Party this year! To help we have put together this quick video on 7 Steps to an Amazing Client Appreciation Party including:

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Your 2019 Real Estate Year In Review - Five Key Numbers to Review


To build achievable goals for 2020 you need to first understand what happened in 2019. Why? Looking at your past performance can provide clarity on the areas of your business that can be improved, modified, or completely overhauled. 

Without taking time to reflect on your past performance it becomes very easy to repeat the same performance year after year. This is exactly why many agents become "range bound" meaning they bounce around at about the same level of production for years.  

To have a business transformation in 2020 you should review these key numbers from 2019 - start by printing all your closed transaction from the MLS then using a calculator determine your: 

  • Average Sales Price
  • Average DOM (Days on Market) for Listings
  • Average Difference Between List VS Sales
  • Buyer Sides VS Seller Sides
  • Client Genesis
  • Extra Credit: Listings Taken VS Listings Sold
  • Extra Credit: You VS The Market

Watch the video for a quick explanation of each of these key numbers....

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5 Time Management Tips to Maximize Your Productivity


You’re on the right track, or so it seems, you have defined your career purpose, set up goals in line with your purpose and you have even established a daily priority plan. Now effective time management should just take care of itself, right? 

Wrong! Because as you become more productive you may find that inevitably you will be forced to make choices. Choices that when made properly will lead you to even greater heights, or when made poorly will lead you to a career crash. 

Jane for instance is a good example. Jane is a composite character made up of thousands of real estate agents from around the country. Let’s look at Jane’s career: 

Jane has recently made some huge changes in her career, these changes have supercharged her prospecting skills and her presentation skills - so now several things are happening to her that have never happened before. First she has too many clients, so she feels pulled into many directions at once. Second she can feel...

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Is your advertising and marketing converting? Fix it now!

Is your advertising and marketing converting? Are you driving people into your sales funnel?  

To set yourself apart in your market, you may need to rethink your approach to marketing and advertising – with a focus on lifestyle, not home features.

During this interview we explore how traditional real estate advertising actually disqualifies a lot of potential clients that we could be converting.

Watch the interview to learn how we can leverage video in order to effectively market to millennial's and how to bring goals and aspirations into our marketing plan for 2020. 

Join myself and Marki Lemons-Ryhal for a fun, fast paced conversation:  

Takeaways + Tactics

  • When we create ads, we should be asking ourselves if they trigger and drive curiosity. 
  • When we list the amenities of a home, we actually create chances for people to eliminate our listings. Instead, we should be telling a story centered around the lifestyle opportunities of...
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9 Things Not To Do on Social Media


What if before being hired by a buyer or a seller they first checked out all of your social media pages? 

The vast majority do exactly this according to a study from Career Builder which reveals that 70% of employers view a potential employees social media pages before making a hiring decision. Even during employment 43% continue to check on current employees social media feeds. 

Buyers and sellers often view themselves as your employer and when entrusting the largest financial decision of their lives to someone will even be more likely to check you out on social media. 

Your social media feed then is the first step in the interview process, a life resume, that can help or hurt your chances of earning your next commission. To make sure you put your best foot forward check out this quick list of 9 Things Not to Do on Social Media! 

Do you need more leads, more listings, more buyers, and more closings? 

Explore Mastery Classes:

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The Silver Tsunami - 20 Million Potential Listings Coming


Currently, 33.9 percent of owner-occupied U.S. homes are owned by residents aged 60 or older, and 55.2 percent by residents aged 50 or older. As these households age and begin vacating housing, that could represent upwards of 20 million homes hitting the market through the mid-2030s.

According to a recent report by Zillow Research "the massive Baby Boomer generation has already begun aging into retirement, and will begin passing away in large numbers in coming decades – releasing a flood of currently owner-occupied homes that could hit the market."

We can be of service to Baby Boomers who may be looking at retirement options, senior living options, moving in with adult children, or right-sizing to travel more and spend time with grandchildren. In the event of a passing we can also assist with helping loved ones, estates, or trusts dispose of real estate. 

The numbers are staggering....


Are you positioning yourself for this massive opportunity? Watch this quick...

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50% Complete

Fresh ideas, new scripts, cool tools, and the hottest trends in the real estate industry are coming your way. Have an amazing day!