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Podcast #27- How REALTORS can Build their Business Credit Profile w Stephen Wible


Stephen is a Marine Corps veteran with a deep background in real estate sales, flipping and property management, print manufacturing, and of course, building and obtaining business credit. He has founded and led multiple successful companies and had as many as 300+ rental properties in his portfolio. Watch and listen as Stephen explain the importance of building your own business credit profile - which all of us can start doing today! 

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The Dirt Simple “25-Second Text” to Generate Conversations (and Discredit Zillow)


If you want a quick way to generate conversation through text with your Sphere of Influence, here's a great message that's resonating with a lot of my coaching students.

Look at your Sphere of Influence. Pull 5 or 10 people you're going to text today. And here's what you're going to say:

"Hey, have you ever looked at what your home is worth on Zillow? I'm curious as an agent, do you think it's sort of close, wrong, or right on the money?"

Watch what happens when you put this out to your Sphere of Influence.

Now, you can do it through a text or you could post it on social media. It's a great social media post and I guarantee you're going to get into a lot of conversations with people.

The end result of these conversations should be that Zillow is wrong 95% of the time.

In other words, 95% of the time, they don't get within 5% of their eventual sales price of the property. That Zillow's own data.

By the way, if you haven't looked at it,...

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Dave Ramsey’s $40 Million Real Estate Referrals Secret


Have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey? A lot of us have heard of Dave Ramsey but he is someone that wasn't super popular like five years ago. But over the last few years, boy, he's really taken a leadership position even within the real estate industry.

So who's Dave Ramsey? Dave Ramsey is a financial author, consultant, and coach. He has a podcast and hosts a radio program, which is highly syndicated across the country in many different media outlets.

What Dave Ramsey is doing is interesting. Because a lot of people don't know that he's now earning upwards of $40 million a year just in real estate referrals.

What he's doing is he positions himself as someone that's the expert. And then people come and say, hey, who does Dave Ramsey trust in each of the markets to list my home? He then collects a referral fee by referring agents to his audiences.

What a brilliant idea.

But what's really interesting about this when we take a hard...

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3 Reasons Why Someone Should Put Their House on The Market Today



Why should somebody put their house on the market today as opposed to waiting?

I'm going to give you three reasons why somebody should put their home on the market today. And I'm also going to give you a script right now that's going to dive deep into those three reasons that you could actually put out on social media yourself.

Okay, you ready? Here's why someone should be on the market today:

1. Low competition.

Low competition means you're going to get more offers and higher offers on your home. We now have about a million homes for sale in the country. The lowest in recorded history. It's been hovering right there.

And when there's low inventory, that means the buyers in the marketplace are going to look more closely at the inventory available. It's going to drive prices up. So that's good news for us.

2. The average seller in America is receiving 4.8 offers per listing.

Think about that! That's the highest it's ever been. It's...

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Podcast #26- The 'Brand Doctor' Henry Kaminski on Understanding Your Point of Differentiation


Join Henry Kaminski - 'The Brand Doctor' as he walks us through building an authentic brand that will resonate with buyers and sellers in your local market. Henry is a strategic thinker with a knack for uncovering customer insights that inform strategy development, and the ability to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captive.

Henry has worked with a diverse clientele, from Jon Bon Jovi, and Celebrity Chef Fabio Viviani, to internet expert Russell Brunson, who has named him the 'Million Dollar Designer.' This is a can't miss episode!

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How The Post-COVID World Will Change Real Estate


An interesting new study came out from Zillow recently that talked about what people's attitudes are related to working from home versus working in an office after COVID ends.

What's interesting is that 95% of the American population would prefer to work partly at home and partly at the office after COVID ends.

So big, big differences in how people want to work going forward. But even deeper than that — 36% of the population now prefers to work at home. So basically one third of Americans say they don't want to go back to an office after COVID ends. They just stay working remotely.

What does that mean for housing and real estate? Well, a couple of things:

It means that our trend, which has been trending towards smaller houses for a long time pre-COVID has reversed. Now we're trending towards larger homes where people can work from home, go to school from home, and really have multi-generational families in some cases where...

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3 Ways to Prepare for The Onslaught of Listings Coming This Year


There's a question that we've had for a while now, which is: When are listing is going to come back in full force?

When can we have that expectation that we're going to start to see listings en masse start to come back to the marketplace?

We know there's been hesitancy because of COVID, but now that people are getting vaccines and the economy is strong. So when are we going to start to see people coming back and saying, Hey, I'm ready to make a sale. I'm ready to make a change.

There's an answer for us.

Zillow just did an extensive study talking to industry experts across the country. And the consensus is that it's going to be in the second half of 2021.

So we're coming right up onto that pretty soon here. And we're going to be right in the middle of 2021, which means we're going to start to see an acceleration of listings.

The question is: Are you ready for it? Are you out there lead generating to start stacking up that business now?

So here...

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Podcast #25- Cracking the Code on a Busy Market with Rockstar Melissa Kirk


How do you compete in the San Francisco Real Estate Market? Watch this podcast to learn how Rockstar REALTOR Melissa Kirk approaches her conversations with clients, negotiating in multiple offer situations, and dealing with a highly competitive market to attract buyers and find new listings.

Melissa is not only a REALTOR but hold degrees in both business and psychology!

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Why Buyers (And Sellers) Who Wait Will Spend More Money in 2021


"Should I wait to buy a house?"

The real question behind that is, do they think prices are going to go down or are they going to go up?

Buyers are always debating this in their mind. They think that there's going to be some kind of dip. But statistically, according to every model we're looking at today, that's not likely because this isn't a "housing bubble." This is a "housing shortage" that we're in.

This is a supply versus demand issue more than anything else. And actually, the experts in the industry have just upgraded their projections for what they anticipate sales prices to do in 2021.

Here's the latest update:

I'm going to compare this to what they said in January. In January, Mortgage Bankers Association, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Zelman & Associates, and the National Association of REALTORS consensus was that home prices during 2021 would go up 5.3%. Somewhere higher, somewhere lower, but the consensus was 5.3%.


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The Top 4 Reasons Why Offers Get Rejected


Why do offers get rejected?

This is an important thing to listen to because we're out competing against other offers all the time now. It's almost always a multiple offer situation and your buyers want to know why they lose.

The first thing you have to realize is that about 21% of the buyers that are out there in the market are cash buyers. That's the latest stats from NAR. That's a little bit up from where it was a few months ago, but it's not like it's all the buyers. Only 21% of the buyers are cash buyers. So that means of 10 buyers, two might be cash buyers. Something to be aware of is that when you're competing with a cash buyer, it can put you at a disadvantage. But it's not the only thing that sellers are considering.

A recent study that was done by NAR found these were the biggest reasons why people's offers were rejected:

1. A low offer

They didn't offer enough compared to the competition. It was not because it was cash or not...

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