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5 Ways to Improve the Promotion of Your Listings + Tips on Rejection Proofing Your Ad Copy


Have you considered refreshing and repackaging your listings with new visuals and ad copy? As the market changes and competition rises your skills as a marketing expert will become even more important to sellers. 

Yes, we have all seen horrible photos of real estate listings and we have also read terrible ad copy. But if you have listing that isn't selling now be a great time to refresh and repackage the listing with better visuals and a new approach to your marketing remarks. 

For some fresh ideas watch as Jim explores 5 Ways to Improve the Promotion of Your Listings + Tips on Rejection Proofing Your Ad copy. 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the...

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Real Estate Rockstars Podcast - Why Online Leads are Worse than Ever + Why Follow-Up Matters!

Super excited and honored to be a guest on Real Estate Rockstars with Pat Hiban .

Pat Hiban is an industry icon and an amazing host and interviewer. We had a great time talking about everything from online leads to expired listings!

There was a time when online leads could propel an agent’s business into the big leagues, but agents today are lucky to break even when buying leads. What changed? That’s the question we cover on this podcast. We also explore how agents can still make online leads a profitable part of their business with some simple adjustments to their engagement methods. Plus, we discuss how to prepare for coming market changes, easy ways to boost accountability, and more.

Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

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Cause Based Real Estate Marketing - 5 Ways to Create Profit with Purpose


While many real estate professionals volunteer their time, energy, and dollars to a wide spectrum of charitable causes many have not considers employing cause based marketing as a part of their marketing strategy. 

Cause based marketing can do many things for both you and your charity of choice. First it can help define you to consumers as someone who gives back and cares about the greater good, second it can inspire others to follow your lead, and third it can dramatically increase the amount of of time, energy, and dollars being donated to the cause. 

Watch this quick video to learn why cause based marketing should become an important part of your overall brand strategy and 5 Ways to Start Today! 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a...

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The Second Biggest Reason Why Homes Don't Sell + Three Key Scripts


The number one reason a home doesn't sell is always price. But what's the second biggest reason? It's the product or the home itself. We can help sellers position their home to sell with more showings and more offers by coaching them on how to have their home make a great first impression. 

By giving sellers a "to-do" list you can actually help sellers focus all their nervous energy on something productive (instead of focusing on your marketing) and you can eliminate reasons for buyers to object to the home - when they "horriblize" small insignificant items that could have been easily repaired. 

Watch as Jim provides three easy scripts to help sellers prepare their home for sale! 

Ready for FREE Starter Kit's to get excited about Lead Generation? 

Click for More information on:

Open Houses

For Sale by Owners

Expired Listings

Sphere of Influence Marketing 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of...

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The % of Asking Price Script - Educate Sellers About the Importance of Price Position


We don't want to start to low....We can come down later if it doesn't sell... Have you ever heard those words out of a sellers mouth? 

Most sellers don't understand the importance of price position and speed of sale when it comes to getting top dollar for their home. Because of this their listing can linger on the market and even become stigmatized. 

Watch this quick video on how to use the % of Asking Price Script and some key language to use when talking about price with sellers. 

Ready for FREE Starter Kit's to get excited about Lead Generation? 

Click for More information on:

Open Houses

For Sale by Owners

Expired Listings

Sphere of Influence Marketing


About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock Star by becoming ranked in the top 1% of REALTORS® nationwide....

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New Strategies for Negotiating Sales - The Interest Rate Buy Down


In our changing market landscape the word on everyone's mind is - affordability.

With the combination of higher prices and higher interest rates buyers are becoming more sensitive to their monthly payments. This can often mean lower offers for sellers and tougher negotiations for buyers. Often the assumption is that the only way to solve an affordability issue is for the seller to reduce the price.

But that's actually not true - watch this powerful video featuring one of the top lenders in the nation Greg Anderson as he describes how using a hybrid approach to buy down interest rates can create a win for buyers (lower payments) and a win for sellers (a higher price). 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the...

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Longer Hours, Shiny Objects, and Parkinson Law - Plus Teddy Roosevelt!


Does working a 70 hour work week create more productivity? Watch and learn what a recent Stanford University reveals about working longer hours (it's not what you expect). Also learn how a time trap - Parkinson's law - can destroy a real estate agents productivity by zapping your time, energy, and resources (and what to do about it!) 

In addition learn how one of our most famous and revered Presidents - Teddy Roosevelt approached life, projects, and decision making. His simple advice can transform you from focusing on every shiny object to being completely present in the moment by being resourceful, focused, and creative. 

Finally learn the one question you should be asking every time you close a transaction that will unlock the door to exponential improvement in your business. 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

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Power Scripts For Rising Interest Rates + Instagram Farming + Voice Mail Drops


As real estate professionals we understand that higher interest rates have a direct impact on affordability. With the FED expected to raise rates three more times between now and the end of 2019 how is this changing the conversations you are having with buyers and sellers in the market? 

Watch and learn how one Seattle agent used a brilliant strategy to negotiate a successful sale for her buyer clients using interest rates as key negotiation tactic and how many agents are now talking about interest rates to secure price adjustments

Bonus: Also watch for two lead generation strategies that can unlock more transactions - Geo Farming Using Instagram and Voice Mail Drops! 

Are you ready for a real estate coach? Explore Mastery Classes that can help design the career and the life you deserve including:

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized...

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Five Scripts for Real Estate Professionals to Connect with a New Builder


Have you ever wished you could work with a builder? 

Working with builders provides many unique opportunities to create sales. First you can sell builders new building lots and development opportunities. Next you have the ability to market each new construction home that is built (even based just on the plans). Last you gain the opportunity to convert all of those buyer calls and open house attendees into even more transactions. Here is the best part when you sell yourself once - builders provide a steady stream of new transactions. 

Watch this video to see five scripts that you can begin using today to start connecting with builders. 

Ready for a new lead generation plan for 2019?

Explore Mastery Classes! 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at...

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What do you say when a seller says "We Aren't in a Rush to Sell..."?


In our changing market some sellers may resist price adjustments by saying to you - We aren't in a rush to sell... Sound familiar? What about buyers who are now sitting on the fence because they believe it's 2008 again? 

Watch this quick coaching video to check out how superstars handle seller conversations by using the "Pull by Date" script and how to address buyer concerns by using hard data. 

Ready to Upgrade Your Real Estate Career?

Explore the Real Estate Business Planning Mastery Course

The Real Estate Business Planning Mastery Course includes 5 Video Lessons featuring master trainer Jim Remley. Each lesson is paired with Instant Action Downloads that you can implement today including a complete FORCE Goals Blueprint! 

About Jim Remley:

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock...

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50% Complete

Fresh ideas, new scripts, cool tools, and the hottest trends in the real estate industry are coming your way. Have an amazing day!