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The Future of Real Estate: AI and Automation in Brokerage


For years, the real estate industry has been known for its conventional and traditional methods. However, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation technologies is revolutionizing the sector, particularly in the realm of brokerage.

AI and automation are not merely buzzwords in the real estate industry; they're transformative tools that are reshaping the sector from the ground up. This shift is being driven by AI-powered solutions that streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. In this article, we delve into the pivotal role of AI and automation in the future of real estate brokerage.

AI: A Brief Overview 

Before we delve into the specifics of how AI is revolutionizing real estate, let's first understand what it entails. Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines and computers to mimic human intelligence, enabling them to perform tasks that usually require human intellect. This involves pattern recognition,...

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What Are The Top 3 Reasons Buyers Hire A REALTOR?


Hey everyone, what are the top reasons buyers want to hire REALTORS? What do buyers value most? Well, here are the top three reasons according to an NAR study.

The primary one, unsurprisingly, is assistance in finding the right home. It's consistently at the top.

What might catch you off guard are the next two reasons, both tied to negotiations. Second is aiding buyers in negotiating sale terms, and third is assisting with price negotiations.

Two-thirds of the top reasons revolve around negotiation.

When engaging with buyers initially, agents often overlook discussing negotiation. How can I prompt buyers to choose me, armed with this data? Well, one effective strategy is to showcase successes on social media. For instance, if I help buyers secure $10,000 in closing costs or credits from the seller, why not share that after closing? Highlight the journey—viewing 10 homes, narrowing down to two,...

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Mastering Buyer Representation in a Post-Sitzer/Burnett Landscape: Must-Know Strategies to Win Clients and Close Deals!


Hey everyone, with the recent Sitzer Burnett lawsuit and NAR's loss, even though there are pending appeals, how should we adjust our approach to working with buyers? Waiting for the appeals isn't an option; we need to change right away.

So, what should we change? We must revamp our tactics and strategies. Today, I want to discuss a couple of key elements that should be part of your buyer presentation.

A common question from buyers is, "Why pay a buyer's agent a hefty sum to search for properties on the MLS when we can do it ourselves on platforms like Zillow or"

This is a valid concern. To prove our value, we need to show that we bring a lot more to the table. In your buyer presentation, just like a listing presentation, there are crucial points to cover.

When it comes to the property search, it's not just about using the MLS. We go above and beyond. I emphasize that we leave no stone unturned. I mention that, of...

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Podcast #58: How to Master Social Media Featuring the GOAT – Jeff Pfitzer (Host of Lab Coat Agents)


Jeff Pfitzer has become a Video & Social Media Expert through his execution & results. A real estate & mortgage Leader, Influencer, and Industry Veteran, his focus in the real estate business has evolved into business development through coaching, teaching, and hosting industry events to bring value to the real estate industry with the goal of elevating brands through video & social. This expertise has led to the co-founding of several platforms, including Drunk on Social, Business Video School, and Real Estate Mastery Pros. Jeff is the host of the Lab CoatAgents podcast and co-hosts the Social Genius podcast with Tristan Ahumada. He consults and collaborates with numerous real estate industry companies and was labeled as a top 30 video Influencer across the USA & Canada by BombBomb.

Connect with Jeff on Instagram and sign up for his newsletter

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Crucial Real Estate Update: How NAR's $5 Billion Loss Affects Home Sellers & Buyers


We know that NAR lost the lawsuit, totaling $5 billion. It's actually $1.8 billion, but it was tripled during the court process. Additionally, some major franchises in America are also involved in this lawsuit.

You might think that it doesn't affect us because it will get appealed, but that's wrong. The major news outlets have been covering this story since the trial, and now, after the verdict, they're going to continue. Your clients, both buyers and sellers, will be talking about it.

A situation might arise when you or another agent in your market is taking a listing, and the seller asks, "I read in the newspaper that I don't have to pay a buyer agent commission. Is that true?"

How do you respond to that?

Well, here's how your conversation should go:

“You have the option not to offer a buyer agent commission. It's entirely optional. But let me frame this for you as it's a competitive and...

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Bolstering Client Retention In Real Estate

In the fiercely competitive realm of real estate, creating lasting client relationships is the cornerstone of long-term success. However, keeping clients engaged, satisfied, and loyal is no easy task. This article elucidates strategies to improve customer service and client retention in the real estate industry, encompassing technology utilization, personalization, communication, and more.


1. Establish A Robust Online Presence

Create An Informative Real Estate Website

A well-designed, user-friendly, and informative real estate website is the first stepping stone to establishing a lasting relationship with clients. A website that provides valuable information and resources to clients can help to establish your credibility and professionalism. Ensure that your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and constantly updated with relevant information.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms offer a powerful avenue to connect with clients and keep them...

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Preventing Deal Failures: How to Handle Buyer's Remorse in Real Estate (Three R's Strategy)


Hey, everyone, I want to share some intriguing data we received regarding deal failures in September. While we don't have the October numbers yet, in September, we saw an all-time high for deal failures, with a staggering 16.3% of the deals going into escrow falling through!

Why did this happen?

It's essential to understand that most of these deal failures weren't due to inspection issues or seller disputes. The culprit, more often than not, was buyer's remorse.

Yes, that's right—buyer's remorse played a significant role. Buyers got cold feet, and it led to deal failures. So, how do we address buyer's remorse in advance? I'm going to provide you with a simple yet effective strategy: reconfirm, resell, and reassure.

Reconfirm: Throughout the escrow process, it's crucial to reconfirm why your buyers made an excellent decision. Remind them that they've secured a fantastic deal and that their interest rate is favorable...

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5 Objection-Proof Reasons to Buy a House Today (Even in Today’s Market)


Imagine someone asking, "Jim, why should I buy a home now? I see a lot of negative factors: record-high interest rates, historically low inventory levels, and soaring prices. Is this the right time to buy?" I'll provide you with four compelling reasons. Ready? Let's dive in.

Reason 1: Sellers who've been on the market for 30, 60, or 90 days are starting to feel the pressure. They might resort to price reductions, creating opportunities for bargain shoppers like you.

Reason 2: Many sellers are now open to offering owner financing, especially if they've struggled to sell traditionally. They're willing to provide attractive terms, like a 4% or 5% interest rate.

Reason 3: Working with a skilled agent like me, we can help you uncover assumable loans. Approximately 70-80% of loans on the market are currently under 4%. We'll explore homes with assumable loans at lower interest rates.

Reason 4: Sellers are offering incentives....

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The “Speed to Lead” Secret for Boosting Your Conversion Opportunities By 100X


Let's delve into the concept of "speed to lead" for a moment. Why is it crucial? Well, here are the stats:

Businesses that respond within five minutes or less are a hundred times more likely to connect and convert opportunities.

So when that clock starts ticking, you've got five minutes to respond to emails, texts, or calls. The reality is, generating a lead for a REALTOR today costs about $140 per lead. If you can't get back to them in five minutes, it's like burning $140.

Now, how can you address this lead follow-up issue? I'll share a couple of strategies, and they all revolve around Google.

First, consider your lead routing. Get a Gmail account, and with that, you'll obtain a Google Voice number for free. Google will assign you a phone number that routes to your cell phone. When it rings, you'll instantly know it's related to a lead. This can save you from wondering if it's spam or something important.

Additionally, you can set up a...

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The Deadly “F-Word” That Kills More Deals Than Perhaps Anything Else


Folks, let's retire the F word - follow-up.

You know how often you've had salespeople call you saying, "I'm just following up" or "I'm just checking in." It's not the best approach. It sets the tone of being an annoying salesperson, and we don't want that. We should aim higher and see our services as valuable.

Instead of using "follow up" or "checking in," try these alternatives:

Start with, "As promised, I'm calling you because I have that listing you asked about."

Or say, "I was thinking about you today because something interesting came across my desk."

Or perhaps, "I'd love to get your opinion on a strategy I have for maximizing your home's value. I know you're not ready now, but it'll work anytime."

Another option is, "I had a little time between appointments, and I thought I'd give you a quick call. I only have about five minutes, but I wanted to ask you something." This way, they know it won't be a lengthy call.


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