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The Recent Homeowners Equity Update Unlocks Client Excitement Across Your Entire Database


Here's an amazing number you should share with everyone in your sphere of influence:

The average American homeowner now has $298,000 in equity, a record high!

This presents a fantastic opportunity to update your clients on their equity growth over the past year. We should do this every year with our clients, and if you haven't done it yet, make a point of doing it now.

Consider shooting a quick video and saying:


"Hey, good news! Across the country, the average homeowner now has $298,000 in equity. If you're curious about your equity position, I'd love to do a PAYER report for you.

What's a PAYER report? It stands for Personalized Equity Analysis Report. It provides a quick update on your home equity and where you stand. If you're thinking about selling, I'd love to help you. Or, if you're considering investing in more real estate and building even more equity, I'm happy to assist you there as well. At the very least, get a copy of that free PAYER report.”


That's the...

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How Massive Equity Gains Unlock Even Bigger Opportunities


Some pretty amazing news from CoreLogic this week shows that the average American in the country had an equity gain of drum roll


That's more than a lot of people making a year with their normal wage.

So that's a huge increase. That's why real estate's one of the number one wealth pullers in America is this equity buildup.

Now, if you happen to be on the west coast where I live, it's even greater. And in a lot of areas of the country, it's even greater. For instance, in Washington state, that number was $95,000. Where I live here in Oregon, it was $59,000. And if you happen to live in California, one of the highest equity gains in the country, $117,000 in equity gain. Now, what do we do with this information?

Well, one thing we can do is do a social media post or an email out to our entire database.

And here's what we might say:

"Hey, your home is better than average, right? The average...

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Home Equity is Up 29.3% — Here’s What That Means


I have some good news for people that already own a home that are in your database.

Here's the stats:

According to the KCM blog, home equity is up 29.3% across the board — which equals $51,500 in added equity over the past 12 months.

So then the question is:

Well, what can people do with that equity?

And there are a lot of things they could do:

They could pull it out in cash with a refinance, of course. They could take that equity and use it as a way to move into their dream home by stepping up — and there's a lot of people out there that may not realize that they can step up into their dream home with very little changes in their payment because of their equity.

There are tons of conversations you can have here.

Take that data, repackage it, and push it out to your people in your sphere of influence and start having conversations with them.

You could say, "Hey, would you like to get a specific number for how much equity build...

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This Little-Known Market Contains 38% of All Sellers


What percentage of Americans would you guess paid off their home?

Think about that for a second: Completely own their home, free and clear.

In other words, when you're driving down the street in your neighborhood, out of 10 homes, how many people have paid their home off and outright own it?

Would it be 2 homes, 3 homes, 4 homes?

The answer is 38% of Americans have paid off their home in full, which is absolutely amazing.

The equity for homes in America is off the charts. It's incredible. So that's good.

Now, why do I bring this up?

The reason I bring it up is because people that have equity in their home actually have a huge, powerful advantage when it comes to moving up to their dream home.

And here's why:

They can actually do something that a lot of sellers can't. They could go buy a home and finance their second home (what they're going to buy next). And they won't have two mortgages.

So they have no pressure on themselves when it...

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