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Create a Winning Real Estate Success Portfolio: Boost Your Clientele & Close More Deals!


What is a success portfolio for a real estate professional?

Well, if you've ever gone to a photographer, architect, or even a wedding planner, you'll often see a book of their work—a portfolio. This showcases what they've done for other clients in the past.

Think about yourself. We often have listing presentations and now even buyer presentations, but do we have a portfolio of past performance?

This portfolio can be the pre-listing kit you've always dreamed of or the pre-buy meeting kit that will really motivate and inspire people to want to work with you.

So what would you put into this success portfolio? Of course, you'll include the properties you've sold and testimonials from other clients. You can also add marketing examples to show what you've done to market properties on social media, with flyers, with postcards, and even in a digital presentation, including video.There's a lot you could include in this presentation to make it really come alive and pop.

Now, imagine you...

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How to Win a Real Estate Client Back After They Ghost You


In the real estate industry, there are two types of ghosts:

The first occurs when a buyer initiates contact but then disappears. It's common, but we shouldn't ignore it. Instead, we should follow up with these individuals after some time has passed. More often than not, they simply got busy, not because they disliked us or found another agent.

Reaching out with a call, text, or email is essential. We should inquire politely about their home buying progress. Even if they ghost us again, it's not a big deal. Let's not fear this type of ghosting and continue to pursue potential leads.

The second ghosting scenario involves us ghosting others inadvertently. It happens when we forget who certain contacts in our phone are. To address this, we should review our contacts and ask those we're unsure about to remind us of our connection.

By doing so, we might uncover opportunities we would have otherwise missed. Let's stop being ghosts ourselves and maintain connections with our contacts. These...

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This Real Estate Resume Strategy is a Classy Way to Dominate the Spring & Summer Markets


As we gear up for the bustling spring and summer real estate market, it's crucial to leverage our networks effectively.

How do we elegantly request referrals and direct business?

Enter the real estate resume strategy.

Just like crafting a resume for traditional employment, create a polished document highlighting your real estate expertise: experience, market performance, education, skills, testimonials, and office history.

Distribute this resume physically and via email to your entire database. Accompany it with a cover letter emphasizing your readiness for the busy season and encouraging recipients to share your resume with potential buyers or sellers. Keep it concise, yet professional.

This approach conveys authenticity and seriousness, distinguishing you from agents solely focused on humor or gimmicks.

By showcasing your dedication to your profession, you establish credibility and foster genuine connections. It's not just about being funny; it's about meaningful engagement. This...

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10 Essential Actions to Transform Your Real Estate Business (Even When Market Conditions Change)


Hey folks, let's step into my DeLorean and journey back to January 1st. Time to take a look at what you've achieved from then till now. Join me as I walk you through a self-evaluation of 10 pivotal actions.

First off, calls. Have you connected with everyone in your database? A quick chat or two?

How about personalized texts or DMs? Opting for video texts is even better.

Emails - have you sent individual, meaningful emails to each database entry? And what about bulk emails? Regular newsletters, monthly or more?

Are you leveraging audio snips? Those small audio messages can make an impact. And video messages? The personal touch goes a long way.

Speaking of impact, client events. Have you hosted any this year? If not, consider it. Networking meetings also count.

Have you engaged in one-on-one conversations over coffee or meals? How many times a week?

Now, let's talk about social media. Are you consistently posting five...

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Transform Your Real Estate Business & Generate More Leads with the “Go-Giver” Mindset


How's your real estate business going?

When I ask some people this question, they seem to lack enthusiasm about where they're at with their business. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon as we've entered what I like to call the Real Estate Hunger Games, and here's what that means:

This year, we're projected to close about four and a half million transactions in real estate with around 1.6 million REALTORS. When we rewind the clock back to 2012, just about a million REALTORS were in business and we were still closing about the same number of transactions. With 60% more REALTORS doing the same volume of transactions, it's no wonder why it's more competitive than it's ever been in our industry.

So, the question is, how do you make sure that you're not market driven but strategy driven?

I'm going to share with you a simple strategy that's going to be so simple you might think it won't work, but it absolutely will work...

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Unlock the Secret to Real Estate Marketing Success with AIDA Approach


Hey guys, what's the best way to make your real estate marketing really pop, to come to life and generate more buyers and seller calls and emails and texts?

Well, the secret is using the AIDA approach, which stands for:


I want you to go back and measure all your marketing against this standard. It's simple and easy to understand.

It starts with Attention.

Is the marketing you're doing grabbing people's attention, shaking them and saying, Hey, you gotta look at me?When you look at marketing in magazines, on television, or on the internet, it has to break through the other 5,000 advertising messages the average American sees every day. So how do we break through? A lot of times, it's by asking a question, using photography, or creating visuals that are funny, ironic, or shocking. If it's the same old boring photos and headshots that you see with most realtors, it won't do that. We have to get outside the box.


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How to Turn One Listing into Five Transactions


I want you to think about how many homes you sold last year that were your listings. So let's assume you sold 10 listings or five listings. What if I told you that you could take that 10 in times by five and have 50 transactions as a result of those 10 listings? Or if you took five listings, you times out by five and you could have 25 transactions. Does it sound impossible? It's not impossible. It's totally doable. You just gotta rethink how you're approaching your listings.

What smart, wise, savvy agents do, superstars do is they say, "Hey, I've got one listing and I can turn this into five transactional sides. Now how can we do that?"

I'm gonna walk you through it right now.

What are the five transactional sides that we create?

  1. 1. Sell the listing that we take
  2. Obtain a triggered listing
  3. Convert a buyer who calls or attends an open house for the listing
  4. Find sellers at your open house
  5. Turn your seller into a buyer and sell them...
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Real Estate Agents: Supercharge Your Success with a Real Estate Resume!


Hey guys, do you want to be a little bit more assertive, not aggressive, but assertive in your market? Let me give you a technique, a tip, and I love this idea. It came from one of my coaching students, and that is the idea of a real estate resume.

So, you are interviewing for a job when you're working for a buyer or a seller, and how many times in the real world, when you get a real job, you have to turn in a resume almost a hundred percent of the time. But what if you just become proactive and you create a real estate resume and you give it to everybody in your database? And you say, "Hey, I'm accepting new buyers and new listings for the spring market coming up, and I just thought I'd give you my real estate resume that you can share with your friends and family about my background as a realtor and my qualifications to help them with all their real estate needs. Here's a copy of it. Feel free to share it with your...

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5 Things To Do In January to Crush 2023


Five things to do in the first quarter of the new year:

1. Refresh your brand

Refreshing your brand means getting new photos taken. Why? Because you are first and foremost your brand. So you need to get a new, fresh photo. You should do this every year, maybe twice a year. But that new photo is not just a straight headshot, it's multiple photos in different settings. Why? Because your photo is the most used branding element in your marketing arsenal.

But what happens when you don't do this? What happens is people then meet you and there's an immediate brand disconnect. There's an immediate feeling, at least at a subconscious level, that they've been deceived. If they can't trust you with your branding, what else can't they trust you with?

It's more important than you think it is. So get that brand updated and refreshed.

Also, look at your bio. So once you get this new photo, you're gonna update your bio for the new year. And...

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Proof You Don’t Value Your Time (And How To Fix It To Make More Money In 2022)


Here's an interesting question for you coming into the new year:

How many clients did you fire in 2021?

If the answer is zero, then that tells me as a coach that you don't take your time as seriously as you should.

You see, we all have a value of our time. And we can all figure it out quickly. We can take the 2000 hours an average agent works for a year and divide it by our gross income for last year. And you'll know exactly how much you're making per hour.

So if you made $100k, for instance, divide it by 2000, and you made about $50 per hour. If you made $200k, then you made about $100 an hour and so on.

Let's say that you're at the top, you know, you're doing $200k-$300k a year. Meaning, your time is worth $100-$150 an hour, which is very true for many of my coaching students (and even far more than that), but they're not saying "no" enough.

Here's what I mean:

If you have somebody that's wasting an hour of your time and your...

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