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13,000 Staged Home Study Reveals...

Do you stage homes when you list them for sale? A recent study of 13,000 staged homes shows that 85% of staged homes sell for between 5-23% over the list price.
If you're not having a staging conversation, you could be missing out on positioning yourself as an expert in the market and, more importantly, helping your sellers get top dollar.
For instance when you're sitting with a seller you might say:
"When we talk about the word staging, what we really mean is that every room tells a story. When we stage a home, we're really helping the buyer build an emotional connection to the home. Staged homes  also show better online which is where the showing process starts today. In fact, there's a new study that shows that buyers who see a staged home online are 46% more likely to walk through the house in person vs an un-staged house. What we really want are people picturing themselves living in the house. We want them to imagine the lifestyle they would...
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Quick Tip: 2020 Election Message

What do you say about the current election situation that we're all going through? It's a touchy subject. If we lean on one side or the other, we could be alienating 50% of our client base.
Here's an election message that doesn't lean one way or another.
"Some of my friends have asked me how the election might affect the housing market. So during an election year typically the month of November you see a slow down of about 15% compared to a normal market. But this isn't a typical market cycle. Today 71% of listings are selling within the first 30 days of being listed and they're receiving 99-100% of their asking price. Most of them are receiving up to 3 offers per listing. What's causing this? 60 year lows in interest rates! So if you know of anybody that's even remotely thinking about putting their home on the market, now is the time."
That's the simple message. You speak about the election, but only as it's related to real estate.
Are you ready...
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How to Build Confidence When Talking to Buyer and Sellers

Do you feel confident when you talk to a buyer or seller for the first time? Do you feel like you own the conversation? If you don't feel that way, then the reason might be that you don't have competence.

When you come into a room, you want to be the smartest person in the room when it comes to your profession. Unless you've hit that standard you are never going to be at your highest level. Here is one easy way to gain competence that will help you feel more confident when you're having conversations with buyers and sellers.

Know your numbers. Every MLS has a monthly report which will give you the monthly stats to compare each month and year over year statistics. Look at the numbers for pending sales. Where are they in your market? How many properties sold last month in your market? How about new listings? How long does it take the average home to sell? What is the months of supply in your market? How do these numbers compare to the previous month and the previous year?

Write the...

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4 Ways to Help Small Business Owners During Covid-19

It's likely that you know someone who has had a business close this year. We're seeing this across the country; about 8,000 businesses have already closed in 2020 . With Covid-19 and to online shopping - small business are suffering. Shockingly - 61% of retail purchases this year were done on a mobile device and that number is likely to grow in the coming months.

So what can you do to help people in your database who own a business that are struggling right now? First it's important to understand that we are all small business owners. We are all in this together. When a local business closes - it hurts the owners sure, but it also hurts the suppliers, the building owners, the employees, vendors, and countless other people who rely on small businesses in the community.

Four Ways You Can Help:

1) Endorse them on social media. 

"I'm going to feature a local business every single week on my social media throughout this COVID crisis. I want to make sure that we're supporting...

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Investor Marketing: Lock In Your Upside Script


A recent study that shows about 6% of people are taking advantage of eviction moratorium laws. In other words, they're not paying their rent and they're just staying in place. In those cases where the tenant is unable or unwilling to make their rental payment, it can become a burden on the people that own these investment properties.

Why? Because they have to continue to make their own mortgage payments.

As a real estate professional we should reach out to investors as a resource. How? Try using the "Lock In Your Upside" script:

"My name is (your name) with (your company name). I am calling about an investment property at (address of units) did I reach (owner name). Great! Quick question - how did you do with rent collection last month? You know, the biggest challenge that I'm hearing from rental owners in the market when I'm talking to them is that they're having a challenge with the eviction moratorium. The reason for my call is that we have still...

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Quick Tip: Grow Your Social Media Audience


Do you find yourself getting a lot more friend requests right now? I am. In the past I might get one or two a day, now I'm getting four or five, sometimes 10 a day. Why is that? More people are at home and they are on their social media much more than ever!

So what can you do with that information?

We know we're supposed to be reaching out to our sphere with phone and video calls, writing handwritten notes, and Zoom meetings. But let me give you something else to do as well. Set a goal of sending out 10 friend requests on Facebook, following 10 people on Instagram, and connecting with 10 people a day on LinkedIn.

Yes, you can make 30 connections a day and it doesn't take a lot of time. But don't just connect - go deeper - endorse people on linked in and try using Facebook and Instagram as another CRM platform.


Look for life change. If someone is posting about losing their job, having a struggle with their kids and homeschooling, or they're going crazy in...

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Quick Tip: What's Stopping You?


Here's a quick technique you can use in the field today to unlock more buyers, more sellers, and more opportunities.

It's the 'What's Stopping You?' technique.

This simple question can be added to almost any script to open up conversations, engage clients in a thoughtful conversation, and uncover leads that you may have missed using a traditional approach.

Watch this three minute video to see the technique in action!

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Put Context Into Conversations with 'The Next Step Approach'


Here's something to think about as you're coming into contact with your database this week which is the power of - The Next Step.

As you're making contacts, think ahead to the context of your next conversation. This is critical because you want to make contacts in context. If I'm talking to somebody and they mention that they're going to Hawaii, or their wife's having back surgery, or they got a new dog, you want to make those notes in your contact database, your CRM, so the next time you talk to them, you're talking in context about what they just talked to you about a week or two ago.

If you're always focused on what you want to say and you're not acknowledging what's going on in the client's lives, there's not going to be as much resonance, or as much of a connection. Instead you will come across like a typical salesperson. Our goal when making contacts is to elevate our client relationships to friendships.

To apply this technique requires a few...

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The Ultimate Accountability Tool

The one thing that is missing from most agent's business strategy can be summed up in one word - accountability.

There is no easy way for agents, team leaders, and brokerage owners to measure their daily activities against their goal set. This creates inconsistency in lead generation, gaps in your performance, and an empty bank account.

Even with the best coaching and training your business model can fall flat unless you take the time to carefully implement, track, and measure your performance.

Listen we have all been guilty of attending a webinar, listening to a pod cast, or reading a great book but not actually pulling the trigger on action. But action is the only true way to create the results that will transform your business.

But what if you had a solution?

A simple, elegant way to track activities and results bundled with the best coaching platform in the industry plus incredible marketing assets that will help you stand out in your marketplace.

 Watch this video to...

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Quick Tip: Hidden Market Opportunity


One of the things that we're seeing across the country, at every level is that buyers are climbing the pricing ladder and purchasing more expensive homes.


A couple of reasons. First lower price categories have sold out in a lot of markets so they're forced to go up to the next price bracket. But another reason is interest rates. As interest rates decline it allows buyer to move up into price brackets they haven't been able to before without having as big as an impact on their house payment as in years past.

Interestingly what's happening now is that we are starting to see this really impact the luxury. This is an incredible opportunity! Now is a great time to dive into expired luxury listings that have been off the market for an extended period of time and start making contact. We call these legacy expired listings.

To get started do some deep research in your MLS. Go back two, three, or even four years on expired luxury listings. Can't find a phone...

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