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Why REALTORS Need to Address Climate Change: 30% of Clients Are Moving!


Here's an interesting question to put out on social media to your audiences:

Would you move from your current market because of climate change?

I've been in the business for 35 years, and we never really talked about climate change as a motivator for people to move. But it's becoming more and more of a reason for people to relocate. In fact, 30% of Americans today, especially young people, say they would move because of climate change or make a decision about where to live based on it.

That’s why this is an interesting question to ask on social media.

Climate change can take many different forms. In my market area, for example, it's fires.

We had a fire come through our neighborhoods that burned down 2,700 homes. It was one of the biggest fires in the nation for destroying homes. Absolutely devastating for our community. We went through several summers of fire, and a lot of people moved because they couldn't deal with the smoke and terrible air quality.

On the flip side, you...

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Discover the Surprising #1 Reason People Are Moving in 2024 (You Won't Believe It!)


What's the top reason someone might sell their house in the next 12 months?

A recent study just unveiled the number one motivator for people moving in 2024…

…and it's all about craving more space—not just square footage but room to breathe.

A whopping 38% of respondents cited this as their primary driver for considering a change.

Another big one is being closer to family and friends, a universal priority. Job changes and the overall cost of living in one community versus another are also high on the list. Then there's the desire to snag a better housing deal or explore different neighborhoods for financial reasons.

Surprisingly, there are a couple of unique motivations emerging: Some folks want to live in areas that align better with their social views, which is a new trend.

So how can you approach this topic sensitively?

Here's one approach: Share a social post stating, "One of the top reasons people are...

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Mastering the Art of Real Estate Relocation: Your Ultimate Guide to Winning the Hidden “40% Market”


Did you know that around 40% of business in most markets involves relocation?

This means people are moving within or out of your area due to various factors like jobs, financial changes, or retirement. In today's market, most relocations are motivated by necessity rather than choice.

To tap into this market, let's focus on strategic steps:

First, ask yourself if the term "relocation" appears anywhere in your marketing. If not, add it today: business cards, website, personal flyers—everywhere. Make it an SEO-friendly part of your business model.

Next, think about what your web pages convey about relocation.

Do you offer a downloadable relocation kit or area videos? Here's a top tip: Create a YouTube channel specific to your market. Share videos about the top 10 TripAdvisor-recommended things to do in your area. Link it to your website for engaging content.

Consider where relocators frequent—hotels, RV parks,...

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How to Instantly Gain an Advantage Over 96% of REALTORS


We know that Google is the number one search engine. But what's number two?

As you think about that question, let me give you another a stat that's really going to blow you away:

One-third of Americans -- according to a Harris poll survey -- say that they plan to move after COVID ends.

Think about that.

Think about the power of what that could do to the country in terms of real estate relocation.

So circling back to that first question I asked though, what is the number two search engine?

The answer is YouTube.

And here's what you can do, which is really, really interesting.

When you dive into YouTube today, search for your hometown. Be hyperlocal as we call it and do this quick search: "moving to [your hometown]."

Or you do could another search, which is: "relocation [your hometown]" and see what the results are.

You might find, like I've found, in area after area, after area, after area is that there are very, very little results...

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