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This Real Estate Resume Strategy is a Classy Way to Dominate the Spring & Summer Markets


As we gear up for the bustling spring and summer real estate market, it's crucial to leverage our networks effectively.

How do we elegantly request referrals and direct business?

Enter the real estate resume strategy.

Just like crafting a resume for traditional employment, create a polished document highlighting your real estate expertise: experience, market performance, education, skills, testimonials, and office history.

Distribute this resume physically and via email to your entire database. Accompany it with a cover letter emphasizing your readiness for the busy season and encouraging recipients to share your resume with potential buyers or sellers. Keep it concise, yet professional.

This approach conveys authenticity and seriousness, distinguishing you from agents solely focused on humor or gimmicks.

By showcasing your dedication to your profession, you establish credibility and foster genuine connections. It's not just about being funny; it's about meaningful engagement. This...

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3 Ways To Make Cosmic Impact At Scale with Your Sphere of Influence


There's a new study out that shows that 77% of homeowners believe now is a great time to sell their home.

And when you combine that with a recent study we talked about — which is that 1 in 10 homeowners is going to place their home on the market over the next 12 months. And 63% of those will do it in the next six months alone.

Question is:

What are you doing about it?

We know 80% of your business is going to come from a direct result of your sphere of influence. Either direct business or referred business. So we need to dive into that first and foremost.

I'm going to give you three ways to have impact at scale with these folks.

1. A weekly email into your database.

This doesn't cost you a dime, but it's one of the most powerful things you can do to stay top-of-mind.

But that email has to be value-orientated. It can't be garbage that people are going to look at it as spam. It has to be high value.

What's the highest...

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Dave Ramseyā€™s $40 Million Real Estate Referrals Secret


Have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey? A lot of us have heard of Dave Ramsey but he is someone that wasn't super popular like five years ago. But over the last few years, boy, he's really taken a leadership position even within the real estate industry.

So who's Dave Ramsey? Dave Ramsey is a financial author, consultant, and coach. He has a podcast and hosts a radio program, which is highly syndicated across the country in many different media outlets.

What Dave Ramsey is doing is interesting. Because a lot of people don't know that he's now earning upwards of $40 million a year just in real estate referrals.

What he's doing is he positions himself as someone that's the expert. And then people come and say, hey, who does Dave Ramsey trust in each of the markets to list my home? He then collects a referral fee by referring agents to his audiences.

What a brilliant idea.

But what's really interesting about this when we take a hard...

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