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How REALTORS can Build Meaningful Connections after Devastating Natural Disasters


The impact of climate change is becoming increasingly evident through natural disasters worldwide. In my market alone, 2,700 homes were lost to wildfires, including three duplexes that I owned. Recent events like the devastating fire in Maui have left hundreds homeless.

How does this relate to real estate? Well, it's directly tied. Amid this destruction, we, as REALTORS, have an opportunity to step in and provide assistance. While it won't be an immediate transaction, it can help us build lasting relationships founded on genuine value.

So what's my suggestion?

Reach out promptly to your entire sphere of influence. Capitalize on the awareness generated by these incidents. Say, "Given the current wave of natural disasters, many clients have requested a quick update on their home value to ensure their insurance coverage is adequate. I've already prepared this report for you, and it took just a few minutes. If you're...

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10 Essential Actions to Transform Your Real Estate Business (Even When Market Conditions Change)


Hey folks, let's step into my DeLorean and journey back to January 1st. Time to take a look at what you've achieved from then till now. Join me as I walk you through a self-evaluation of 10 pivotal actions.

First off, calls. Have you connected with everyone in your database? A quick chat or two?

How about personalized texts or DMs? Opting for video texts is even better.

Emails - have you sent individual, meaningful emails to each database entry? And what about bulk emails? Regular newsletters, monthly or more?

Are you leveraging audio snips? Those small audio messages can make an impact. And video messages? The personal touch goes a long way.

Speaking of impact, client events. Have you hosted any this year? If not, consider it. Networking meetings also count.

Have you engaged in one-on-one conversations over coffee or meals? How many times a week?

Now, let's talk about social media. Are you consistently posting five...

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