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The Genius ā€œTour Guideā€ Strategy for Boosting Referrals & Buyer Delight


I've got a story from my trip to Boston with my wife. While our son was in summer camp, we embarked on a delightful foodie tour of Little Italy, guided by an amazing teacher turned tour guide. He shared the rich history of the area, led us through fantastic shops, and treated us to mouthwatering cuisine. Toward the end, he pulled off a brilliant move relevant to your real estate efforts.

As we basked in the afterglow of a satisfying tour, he proposed a group photo. After the snap, he asked, "Who wants a list of all the restaurants we visited today? Just give me your email, and I'll send it over."

We all gladly obliged. Upon reaching home, his email contained the promised picture and the tour's culinary highlights. Here's the genius part: he added a well-placed plea for a review, taking advantage of our post-tour excitement. We promptly provided a glowing review.

He went further, offering even more value. For...

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