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This “100% Script” Overcomes Sellers’ Greediness with Ease


It's hard to believe, but sellers are greedy. We all are, right? When we sell our homes, we want the maximum amount we can get.

The problem is that many agents will "buy" a listing, especially in this desperate market. We're finding listings, but many agents are hanging on by their fingernails, willing to do anything to get a listing. That's not how we do business. We need a script that addresses the greedy seller.

Here's a script I'll call the "100% Script." If I'm sitting across the table, I can say…

“You know what? Many people don't realize this, but statistically, in our market, only about 60% of the time do listing agents sell the listing the first time. They list it, put it on the market, do the marketing, but then the home doesn't get an offer or the right offer, and you have to list it with another REALTOR. I don't want to do that with you. I don't want to waste your time or effort. I want to give you a different experience because my goal is to sell 100% of the...

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REALTORS: How to Sell Your Homes Faster with the Buyer's Eyes Strategy


I have a great idea for my fellow real estate agents out there.

It's called the Buyer's Eyes Strategy. Here's how it works:

When I have a client selling their house, I treat them as if they are a buyer in the market for a home in their price range. I put them in the MLS as if they are a real buyer, and they start receiving emails with new listings, price changes, and updates on pending or sold houses. This helps them stay informed, in real time, without having to wait for me to tell them what's going on.

I also get CC'd on the same emails, so I'm seeing what they're seeing. This allows us to have a productive conversation and make any necessary adjustments or changes to their selling strategy.

They start receiving these emails right away, and they'll get updates every day or every couple of days. This way, they become really familiar with the market and can make informed decisions about their own...

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The Little-Known Luxury Housing Market Secret That’s a Huge Opportunity for You


Hey guys, interesting stat for you:

Luxury housing is soaring! It's up 81% from the number of transactions from last year to now.

Now why would that be?

The answer is if you look at the luxury housing market in most areas of the country, you could not build that luxury home for what you're paying for it today. Because construction costs and land development costs have gone so high.

When people with money are looking at these listings, they're saying, "Hey, wait a second. This is an opportunity. This is a market opportunity for me to buy, because I know I couldn't build it for the same price."

They're actually buying at a discount in their minds. Even though prices have risen, they haven't outpaced what it would cost to build these luxury houses.

So this is still an opportunity. It's a market space. And a lot of people haven't focused on it. But there's a lot of great, great buys within the luxury market space.

So check it out,...

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